Episode Transcript: Tunnel of Glove

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'''Police Man:''' No can do, big guy. Too dangerous.
'''Police Man:''' No can do, big guy. Too dangerous.
'''Patrick:''' FINE, HAVE IT YOUR WAY! So Mr. Police guy won't let me in the front, eh? I'll just have to find my own way in. (bubble-wipe to the [[Off Limits|Glove World Power Plant]]) A-ha! (reads [or rather, "misreads"] the sign. It actually reads "Off Limits") ''Congratulations! You have fou-- found... your friend.'' SpongeBob is right behind this door. I'm coming to get you, buddy. SpongeBob? Where? Oh, there you are. (finds a sort of "electricity supplier" which looks like SpongeBob) I'll free you from your shackles. (rips out the generator) There you are. Go to your happy self. (lights go out in the Tunnel of Glove)
'''Patrick:''' FINE, HAVE IT YOUR WAY! So Mr. Police guy won't let me in the front, eh? I'll just have to find my own way in. (bubble-wipe to the [[Off Limits|Glove World Power Plant]]) A-ha! ("reads" [or rather, misreads] the sign. It actually reads "Off Limits") ''Congratulations! You have fou-- found... your friend.'' SpongeBob is right behind this door. I'm coming to get you, buddy. SpongeBob? Where? Oh, there you are. (finds a sort of "electricity supplier" which looks like SpongeBob) I'll free you from your shackles. (rips out the generator) There you are. Go to your happy self. (lights go out in the Tunnel of Glove)
'''Pearl and SpongeBob:''' Dah! (cut to outside. SpongeBob screams)
'''Pearl and SpongeBob:''' Dah! (cut to outside. SpongeBob screams)

Revision as of 17:24, 27 September 2024

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Episode Article: Tunnel of Glove



(episode starts with some fish on a roller coaster. The fish scream in excitement)

Nancy: Come on, Pearl! The line for Tunnel of Glove is filling up. This is gonna be so totally like fun!

SpongeBob: Hey, Pearl.

Pearl: Barnacles. SpongeBob. What are you doing here.

Nancy: Is that your boyfriend?

SpongeBob: Well, I am a boy and I am her friend. Dayayayay! (Nancy and Debbie laugh)

Nancy: SpongeBob. Stand here for a second. (Debbie takes a picture) Hee, hee.

Debbie: Just thought we should keep this moment for... posterity.

Nancy and Debbie: (laughing) Pearl's got a boyfriend, Pearl's got a boyfriend! (both laugh)

Patrick: I didn't know you had a girlfriend.

Pearl: Quiet! He is not my boyfriend!

Patrick: Well, that was fast! Don't worry, buddy. There's plenty of fish in the street car.

Nancy: Anyway. Let's go to the ride.

SpongeBob: Bye, Pearl. Tell Mr. Krabs I said "hi." Let's bounce, Patrick. Patrick?

Patrick: Busy. I'll catch up with you later. (eats cotton candy. Bubble-wipe to the Tunnel of Glove)

Announcer: Please remain seated until the boat comes to a complete stop.

Nat Peterson: Next.

Nancy: Come on, Pearl.

Nat: (stops Pearl) Sorry. Only two per car. You'll have to wait for the next car. Any single riders, come in front.

SpongeBob: Oh! I'm a single rider. Excuse me. Pardon me. Excuse me. Pardon me. After you, fellow single rider Pearl.

Pearl: Ugh! (they both board the boat)

Announcer: Please keep your arms and legs inside the boat at all times and do not leave the boat until the ride is over. Thank you.

SpongeBob: Uhh, Pearl? Your arm. It's outside the boat.

Pearl: I will put my arm inside the boat. But don't touch me, don't talk to me, don't even look at me. (SpongeBob zips his mouth and eyes shut) Uh. Boring.

Cupid: Will my arrow find her heart?

Pearl: The ride is so lame. Hey! You're allowed to speak now.

SpongeBob: (breaths) I bet Mr. Krabs would get a kick out of this ride! Don't ya think? He so tough on the outside but he's got a soft side too. One time I was upset because my snail Gary was sick and he let me leave five minutes early. Don't you think that's the sweetest thing you've ever heard. (mouth turns into a microphone) Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. (time card appears)

French Narrator: Two boring minutes later...

SpongeBob: And then there was that time when he yelled at me for getting to work before he did and he didn't even doc my pay, what a sweet man.

Pearl: Ahhh! You're making this ride even more boring! Is such a thing possible! (puts her foot out of the boat)

SpongeBob: You're supposed to keep your arms and legs inside inside the boat until the boat comes to a compleeeete... (bumps into the ceiling and lands back in the boat) ...stop. (the heart falls into the mechanism which controls the boat)

Pearl: What was that?

Announcer: Attention sweethearts. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please remain seated.

Pearl: Oh great. Just great. (time card appears)

French Narrator: Three hours later...

Perch Perkins: Breaking news. The Tunnel of Glove has turned into a Tunnel of Terror. Just hours ago, the mechanism that controlled the boats mysteriously stopped, trapping the doomed couple inside. We have the youth's friends here, who escaped the tunnel before tragedy befell the two sweethearts.

Nancy: It's true. We barely escaped the tunnel with our lives. It was horrible.

Perch Perkins: And what was the name of your friend?

Nancy: Pearl... and her boyfriend SpongeBob. (she and Debbie laugh)

Perch Perkins: So there you heard it. As time quickly runs out, still no words from the empirical whale girl and SpongeBob. (camera zooms out to reveal the scene's on a television. Patrick is eating)

Patrick: Oh no! I'm out of coral on a stick. Time to chomp through the fried barnacles.

Perch Perkins: At this time survival looks bleak for the little yellow Sponge.

Patrick: No! This is my worst nightmare. I don't have a drink.

Perch Perkins: Hey, doofus! Your best buddy is trapped in the Tunnel of Glove and he may never escape.

Patrick: You mean SpongeBob? (bubble-wipe to outside the Tunnel of Glove) I'm coming for you, SpongeBob!

Police Man: Hey! No one beyond this point.

Patrick: My best buddy is trapped in there. You gotta let me through.

Police Man: No can do, big guy. Too dangerous.

Patrick: FINE, HAVE IT YOUR WAY! So Mr. Police guy won't let me in the front, eh? I'll just have to find my own way in. (bubble-wipe to the Glove World Power Plant) A-ha! ("reads" [or rather, misreads] the sign. It actually reads "Off Limits") Congratulations! You have fou-- found... your friend. SpongeBob is right behind this door. I'm coming to get you, buddy. SpongeBob? Where? Oh, there you are. (finds a sort of "electricity supplier" which looks like SpongeBob) I'll free you from your shackles. (rips out the generator) There you are. Go to your happy self. (lights go out in the Tunnel of Glove)

Pearl and SpongeBob: Dah! (cut to outside. SpongeBob screams)

Police Man: Don't worry, little girl. We are working as fast as we could.

Pearl: That wasn't me. That was SpongeBob!

Police Man: Thank you, little boy. (Pearl fumes)

SpongeBob: Don't fret, Pearl. It's just the dark. Nothing scary about the dark. It's what's in the dark you've gotta watch out for monsters, creeps, ghouls, clowns, witches, werewolves, clowns, crawly things, crawly clowns! Those are the worst! The crawly clowns!

Pearl: Whatever, SpongeBob. I'm gonna find my way out of here.

SpongeBob: Pearl, I wouldn't do that if I were you. You aren't keeping you arms and legs inside the boat. Pearl, I think I should accompany you in case anything in the dark. Lurking.

Pearl: Fine. After you.

SpongeBob: Okay. I'll just fearlessly lead the way. (walks into some streamers and screams) Snakes!

Pearl: Those are streamers, fool!

SpongeBob: I'll just stay up here.

Pearl: Oh, grow up, SpongeBob. They're aren't any creepies, they're aren't any crawlies, they're aren't any snakes, so stop whining so we can look for our way out of here.

SpongeBob: Okay, Pearl. You've made your point. I'll stop talking about ogres, bad fish, sharks, and...

Pearl: SpongeBob...

SpongeBob: And I will not talk about zombies. (takes a deep breath)

Pearl: (scared) SpongeBob!

SpongeBob: (looks like a pirate) Or ghostly pirates! (looks like a Frankenstein Monster) Or laboratory creatures.

Pearl: (gasps; scared) SpongeBob!

SpongeBob: (looks like an alien) Or green beings from another planet!

Pearl: (scared) Okay, SpongeBob. Okay.

SpongeBob: (looks like an unshaven person with a full head of black hair) Or bus drivers!

Pearl: That's enough, SpongeBob! (cries)

SpongeBob: Shhh. Did you hear that?

Pearl: Now I'm scared, SpongeBob!

SpongeBob: It sounded like a crawly were-clown!

Pearl: But there's no such thing!

SpongeBob: Oh, he's here. (a cupid swings by. SpongeBob and Pearl scream and jump into the boat and SpongeBob gets hit in the head by a toilet plunger. Chuckles. Bubble-wipe to Patrick and Metal SpongeBob)

Patrick: Not another skunk! How did you beat me again? (turns to an electrician) Hey. You find it funny to lock up my friend? Hey I am talking towards you.

Electrician: Did you see the dimwit who ripped this apart?

Patrick: I don't know who that dullard is, but I know you kidnapped SpongeBob.

Electrician: I don't know about your best friend. I'm just the electrician.

Patrick: I see you are a magician. But that voodoo does not erase what you just have done.

Electrician: You need to relax. Have a seat and cool off.

Patrick: Geez. Some people are so pushy. (sits on the lever)

Electrician: Just don't sit on THE LEVER!

Patrick: (breaks the lever) Oops.

Electrician: Now the whole ride is stuck on dangerous super fast mode!

Patrick: But you told me to sit on it. (cut to the inside of the Tunnel of Glove. The boat moves quickly and SpingeBob and Pearl scream)

SpongeBob: What was that?

Pearl: I don't know. Hold me, SpongeBob! (boat enters the "Hall of Great Romance" and both scream)

Both: Huh?

SpongeBob: Oh. The hall of great romance! (cut to the Glove World Power Plant)

Patrick: Okay, okay. I think I heard you. I will not sit on anything else. I'll just gingerly lean on this wall. (leans on a do not push button) Oops.

Electrician: No...! (cut to the inside of the tunnel)

SpongeBob: Oh. How romantical.

Pearl: (scoffs) I imagined it bigger. (a animatronic's head explodes)

SpongeBob: Look, a cute adorable churub. (the animatronic Churub's head explodes. Churub shoots its pin) Pearl, I don't think this is the Tunnel of Glove. This is the Tunnel of Evil! (all animatronics turn around to show evil faces. Both are scared at the robots chasing them. Cut to the Glove World Power Plant)

Electrician: Stupid kid.

Patrick: (walks out of the water pressure control system with toilet paper and a newspaper in his hand) Hey-a, Nice facilities. Great water pressure. (the toilet paper flies back)

Electrician: (realizing that there is extreme water pressure) Neptune's mother! (cut to the inside of the Tunnel of Glove. SpongeBob and Pearl are frightened)

SpongeBob: What's that noise? (a waterfall comes toward them. They get washed away screaming. A animatronic pops out, scaring both as they race down the waterfall. The boat goes down the waterfall. They both scream as the boat goes down a whirlpool. The animatronics go down the waterfall. Cut to outside the Tunnel of Glove)

Police Man: She's gonna blow! (screams and runs off. Fish run away screaming from the tunnel. The entrance hall to the ride explodes. The boat breaks)

Pearl: I guess that turned out to be pretty fun.

SpongeBob: Yeah. (Nancy and Debbie are laughing at SpongeBob and Pearl)

Nancy: SpongeBob is your boyfriend.

Pearl: (knocks SpongeBob out of the seat) Eww!! How many times to I have to say it. Eww! Gross!

Nancy: Oh, don't deny it. You were totally hugging him, which totally means he is totally your boyfriend.

Crawly Clown: (laughs) Howdy, kids!

SpongeBob: (screams) CRAWLY CLOWN!!! CRAWLY CLOWN!!! (he, Nancy and Debbie scream, horrified)

Pearl: (takes a picture) You understand, girls. For posterity! (bubble-wipe to Patrick and Metal SpongeBob)

Patrick: Are you gonna finish that?

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