Episode Transcript: Krabs a la Mode

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Episode Article: [[Krabs a la Mode]]
Episode Article: [[Krabs a la Mode (Episode)|Krabs a la Mode]]
*[[SpongeBob SquarePants|SpongeBob]]
*[[Patrick Star|Patrick]]
*[[Squidward Tentacles|Squidward]]
*[[Gary the Snail|Gary]]
*[[Mr. Krabs]]
*[[Eugene H. Krabs|Mr. Krabs]]
*[[Sheldon J. Plankton|Plankton]]
*[[Hockey Players]]
*[[French Narrator]]
Narrator: It is a cold and windy day. Bikini Bottom is covered with goose bumps.<br>
(episode begins at the Krusty Krab)
Squidward: Oh, it's freezing in here.<br>
'''French Narrator:''' ''It is a cold and windy day. Bikini Bottom is covered in goosebumps.''
SpongeBob: Not if you get up and exercise! Hop, two. Hop, two. Yes, sir, my buns are nice and toasty. (turns around to show
'''Squidward:''' Oh, it's freezing in here.
two Krabby Patties on his behind)<br>
Squidward: I'm so glad I don't eat here. (SpongeBob and Squidward shiver as a gusty wind blows through again)<br>
'''SpongeBob:''' Not if you get up and exercise! Hup, two. Hup, two. Yes, sir, my buns are nice and toasty. (turns around to show two Krabby Patties on his behind)
Squidward: Oh, how cold does Krabs keep this place, anyway? (looks at the thermostat) 62 degrees? Oh, that cheapskate! I'm  
'''Squidward:''' I'm so glad I don't eat here. (he and SpongeBob shiver as a gusty wind blows through again)
gonna start it to a toasty 63. (turns it to 63 but an alarm goes off. Mr. Krabs busts down his door)<br>
Mr. Krabs: Who... touched... me thermostat? (everyone, including SpongeBob, points at Squidward)<br>
'''Squidward:''' Oh, how cold does Krabs keep this place, anyway? (looks at the thermostat) 62 degrees? Oh, that cheapskate! I'm gonna set it to a toasty 63. (turns it to 63 degrees but an alarm goes off)
Squidward: (at SpongeBob) Oh, thanks a... (Mr. Krabs grabs him by the nose)<br>
'''Mr. Krabs:''' Huh? (busts down his door; roaring in outrage) WHO TOUCHED ME THERMOSTAT?! (everyone, including SpongeBob, points at Squidward)
SpongeBob: You're welcome, Squidward.<br>
'''Squidward:''' (to SpongeBob) Oh, thanks a... (Mr. Krabs grabs him by the nose)
Mr. Krabs: Mr. Squidward, you're always going on about your book club. Read this.<br>
'''SpongeBob:''' You're welcome, Squidward.
Squidward: (reads sign above thermostat) "Do Not Touch Thermostat. Ever!!" (Mr. Krabs puts the temperature back on 62
'''Mr. Krabs:''' Squidward, you're always goin' on about your book club. Read this.
Mr. Krabs: Heat costs money! There are two ways to get on my bad side, boys. I don't like kids playing in me yard, and
'''Squidward:''' (reads sign above thermostat) "Do Not Touch Thermostat. Ever!!" (Mr. Krabs puts the temperature back on 62 degrees)
nobody but me touches me thermostat.<br>
Squidward: That's totally selfish!<br>
'''Mr. Krabs:''' Heat costs money! There's two ways to get on me bad side, boys. I don't like kids playing in me yard, and nobody but me touches me thermostat.
SpongeBob: Yeah, your yard is really fun! There are kids playing on it right now.<br>
'''Squidward:''' That's totally selfish!
Mr. Krabs: What? (kids are playing ball, flying kits, and jumping rope in Mr. Krabs' front yard) Hey, you kids get off of my
'''SpongeBob:''' Yeah, your yard is really fun! There are kids playing on it right now.
lawn. (Mr. Krabs runs out of the restaurant. Plankton is watching all of this through a straw)<br>
Plankton: That's right, run, Krabs. For I have found your Achilles heel. I'll freeze you out of business, and I'll do it
'''Mr. Krabs:''' What? (kids are playing ball, playing tag, flying kites, and jumping rope in Mr. Krabs' front yard) Hey, you kids get off of my lawn. (Mr. Krabs runs out of the restaurant. Plankton is watching all of this through a straw as a periscope)
using your thermostat! (laughs maniacally until an alarm goes off) What the...?Oh, no. Code red! Abandon ship! Ah! (an old
fish sucks Plankton through the straw and into his belly) No matter. In four to six hours, I will have my revenge. (laughs
maniacally. It's not closing time)<br>
Squidward: I'm going to go recover from hypothermia.<br>
'''Plankton:''' That's right, run, Krabs. For I have found your Achilles heel. I'll freeze you out of business, and I'll do it with your precious thermostat! (laughs maniacally until an alarm goes off) What the...? Oh, no. Code red! Abandon ship! Abandon ship! Ah! (an old fish sucks Plankton through the straw and into his belly) No matter. In four to six hours, I will have my revenge. (laughs maniacally. Bubble-wipe to closing time)
SpongeBob: Hippo what-ia? What does that mean?<br>
'''Squidward:''' I'm gonna go recover from hypothermia.
Mr. Krabs: It means he's a big fat cry baby.<br>
'''SpongeBob:''' Hippo what-ia? What does that mean?
Old Fish: (flushes the toilet and walks to the doors but can't get out) Locked in again.<br>
'''Mr. Krabs:''' It means he's a big fat cry baby.
Plankton: That crusty old barnacle might keep me from the secret formula, but I'd like to see him serve a krabby patty when
'''Old Fish:''' (flushes the toilet and walks to the doors but can't get out) Locked in again.
I'm done with this place. (turns on sink faucet) In to every life, a little rain must fall. Krabs, it's just business.
(opens up the freezer) Well, maybe it is personal. (turns down the thermostat) I'm touching your thermostat! I'm touching
your thermostat! (cut to Mr Krabs' house where he is sleeping) Someone... touching... thermostat. (cut to next day with
Squidward and SpongeBob walking to work)<br>
Squidward: I meant to bring a sweater. It's colder than yesterday.<br>
'''Plankton:''' That crusty old barnacle might keep me from his secret formula, but I'd like to see him serve a Krabby Patty when I'm done with this place. (turns on sink faucet) Into every life, a little rain must fall, Krabs. It's just business. (opens up the freezer) Well, maybe it is personal. (turns down the thermostat) I'm touching your thermostat! I'm touching your thermostat! (cut to Mr. Krabs' house where he is sleeping)
SpongeBob: That's why I wore mittens. (wearing a mitten on each eyelash) Mm. Toasty.<br>
'''Mr. Krabs:''' No, no! Someone... touching... thermostat. (bubble-wipe to next day with Squidward and SpongeBob walking to work)
Squidward: Huh? (Krusty Krab is frozen)<br>
'''Squidward:''' Oh, I meant to bring a sweater. It's colder than yesterday.
Mr. Krabs: Morning, boys. Lock's a bit sticky this morning. (opens doors to see the whole place frozen) Is it cold in here
'''SpongeBob:''' That's why I wore mittens. (wearing a mitten on each eyelash) Mmm. Toasty.
or is it just me? Well, get to work. (goes into his office)<br>
Squidward: What?<br>
'''Squidward:''' Huh? (the Krusty Krab is frozen)
SpongeBob: Aye aye, Mr. Krabs. (slips and slides all over the place, including into Squidward0 Pardon me. (Squidward slides
'''Mr. Krabs:''' Morning, boys. Lock's a bit sticky this morning. (opens doors to see the whole place frozen) Is it cold in here or is it just me? Well, get to work. (goes into his office)
into Mr. Krabs)<br>
Mr. Krabs: All right, quit clowning around and get to work.<br>
'''Squidward:''' What?
SpongeBob: Yes sir.<br>
'''SpongeBob:''' Aye aye, Mr. Krabs. (slips and slides all over the place, including into Squidward) Whoa! Whoa! Pardon me. (Squidward slides into Mr. Krabs)
Squidward: As soon as you turn the heat up.<br>
'''Mr. Krabs:''' All right, quit clowning around and get to work.
Mr. Krabs: The temperature stays at 62 degrees.<br>
'''SpongeBob:''' Yes sir.
Squidward: There's icicles hanging from the ceiling!<br>
'''Squidward:''' As soon as you turn the heat up.
Mr. Krabs: I don't care if Santa Claus and Jack Frost are having ice cream cones. Don't... touch... the thermostat! (icicles from the ceiling break off and fall)<br>
'''Mr. Krabs:''' The temperature stays at 62 degrees.
Plankton: (spying through his telescope) I knew you'd be too stubborn to turn the heat up. Let's see how long you keep
'''Squidward:''' There's icicles hanging from the ceiling!
those customers when you give them the cold shoulder. (customers are waiting for food but Squidward can't move with a tray
of burgers in his hand or he will fall)<br>
Mr. Krabs: Quit your lollygagging and get a move on. (slips and falls, tossing the patties off the plate)<br>
'''Mr. Krabs:''' I don't care if Santee Claus and Jack Frost are having ice cream cones! Don't... touch... THE THERMOSTAT! (icicles from the ceiling break off and fall)
Squidward: Order up.<br>
'''Plankton:''' (spying through his telescope) I knew you'd be too stubborn to turn the heat up. Let's see how long you keep those customers when you give them the cold shoulder. (customers are waiting for food but Squidward can't move with a tray of burgers in his hand or he will fall)
Customer: Let's get out of here.<br>
'''Old Fish:''' What's taking so long?
Plankton: Yes, flee that frozen wasteland. Warmth and joy have left your lives. (his giant telescope looks at a fish
'''Mr. Krabs:''' Quit your lollygaggin' and get a move on. (Squidward slips and falls, tossing the patties off the plate)
walking by) Hey, buddy, you want to eat the Chum Bucket? (fish runs off screaming) Fine! At least Krabs' place is deserted.
Hey! The customers are coming back. (customers are walking into the Krusty Krab with warmer clothes on) I don't understand.
What's bringing them back? (SpongeBob is skating on frozen patties) What the...?<br>
Mr. Krabs: Just put those patties back when you're done.<br>
'''Squidward:''' Order up.
SpongeBob: Can do, Mr. Krabs.<br>
'''Customers:''' Let's get out of here. Yeah, let's go.
Squidward: I'm really glad I don't eat here.<br>
'''Plankton:''' Yes, flee that frozen wasteland. Warmth and joy have left your lives. (his giant telescope looks at a fish walking by) Hey, buddy, you wanna eat the Chum Bucket? (fish runs off screaming) Fine! At least Krabs' place is deserted. Hey! The customers are coming back. (customers are walking into the Krusty Krab with warmer clothes on) I don't understand. What's bringing them back? (SpongeBob is skating on frozen patties) What the...?
SpongeBob: Order up!<br>
'''Mr. Krabs:''' Just put those patties back when you're done.
Customer #2: Where's my food? (patty enters his mouth) Mm. (patties enter everyone else's mouth)<br>
'''SpongeBob:''' Can do, Mr. Krabs.
Old Fish #2: I want my Krabby Flabby!<br>
'''Squidward:''' I'm really glad I don't eat here.
SpongeBob: Coming right up, sir. (SpongeBob hits a patty off of Squidward's behind and into the customer's mouth, sending
'''SpongeBob:''' Order up!
him into the wall and sliding onto the floor)<br>
Old Fish #2: Delicious! (everyone cheers)<br>
'''Customer #2:''' Where's my food? (patty enters his mouth) Mmm. (patties enter everyone else's mouth)
Customer #3: Wow, that looks like fun. I'll have two Krabby Patties but don't cook them.<br>
'''Old Fish:''' I want my Krabby flabby!
Customer #4: I'll have two frozen Krabby Patties, too.<br>
'''SpongeBob:''' Coming right up, sir. Ow, ow! (patty enters old fish's mouth)
SpongeBob: Yes, sir.<br>
'''Old Fish:''' Delicious!
Customer #5: I want Patty Skates!<br>
'''Customers:''' Yay!
Customer #6: I want two patties, now.<br>
'''Customer #3:''' Wow, that looks like fun. I'll have two Krabby Patties. But don't cook them.
Mr. Krabs: It's beautiful. I'm selling twice as many patties and I don't even have to cook them. This is the happiest, and most cost-effective day of me whole life. (hugs all the money)<br>
'''Customer #4:''' I'll have two frozen Krabby Patties too.
Plankton: No! How is this possible? I freeze his place solid and he turns it into an ice rink. He's making more money than
'''SpongeBob:''' Yes sir.
Karen: That's because, unlike you, he's a good business man.<br>
'''Customer #5:''' I want patty skates.
Plankton: Well, if it isn't the wind beneath my wings.<br>
'''Customer #6:''' I need two patties now.
Karen: I don't understand why you don't just steal a Krabby Patty in all that confusion.<br>
Plankton: I'll be right back. (chuckles)<br>
'''Mr. Krabs:''' It's beautiful. I'm selling twice as many patties and I don't even have to cook 'em. This is the happiest and most effective day of me whole life.
Karen: (sighs) I don't know why I encourage him. (inside the Krusty Krab, people are ice skating, playing hockey, and riding in the zamboni)<br>
'''Plankton:''' No! How is this possible? I freeze his place solid and he turns it into an ice rink. He's making more money than ever.
Mr. Krabs: This is fantastic. The local hockey team is paying me to practice here.<br>
'''Karen:''' That's because, unlike you, he's a good business man.
SpongeBob: Coming through! (skates by Patrick, who has his tongue stuck to a pole) Hi, Patrick.<br>
'''Plankton:''' Well, if it isn't the wind beneath my wings.
Patrick: (mumbles) Hi, SpongeBob. (Gary, dressed as a referee, blows his whistle and throws the patty in the air. It hits
'''Karen:''' I don't understand why you don't just steal a Krabby Patty in all that confusion.
the ground buts slides towards the door)<br>
Hockey Player: Hey, where'd the puck go? (SpongeBob squints his eyes to see Plankton carrying the patty)<br>
'''Plankton:''' I'll be right back. (chuckles)
SpongeBob: Holy shrimp! Plankton! (yells)<br>
'''Karen:''' (sighs) I don't know why I encourage him. (inside the Krusty Krab, people are ice skating, playing hockey, and riding in a zamboni machine)
Plankton: I did it. I finally got a Krabby Patty. (SpongeBob puts his spatula down to block Plankton)<br>
'''Mr. Krabs:''' This is fantastic. The local hockey team is payin' me to practice here.
SpongeBob: Not quite, Plankton. You'll have to get past me, first.<br>
'''SpongeBob:''' Coming through! (skates by Patrick, who has his tongue stuck to a pole) Hi, Patrick.
Hockey Player: There it is. That little square guy has it.<br>
'''Patrick:''' (mumbles) Hi, SpongeBob. (Gary, dressed as a referee, blows his whistle and throws the patty in the air. It hits the ground buts slides towards the door)
Teammate: Get him. (SpongeBob tries to scurry but the hockey team tackles him. The other hockey player slapsticks the patty)
'''Hockey Player:''' Where'd the puck go? (SpongeBob squints his eyes to see Plankton carrying the patty)
SpongeBob: You're mine now, Plankton! (patty flies into his face) You won't get away with this, Plankton.<br>
'''SpongeBob:''' Holy shrimp! Plankton! (yells)
Plankton: Hey, SpongeBob, long time no see. What've you been up to? How was your weekend?<br>
'''Plankton:''' I did it. I've finally got a Krabby Patty. (SpongeBob puts his spatula down to block Plankton)
SpongeBob: Oh, my weekend was fabulous. Thank you for asking. Patrick and I went jellyfishing but I lost my net. So, I
'''SpongeBob:''' Not quite, Plankton. You'll have to get past me, first.
tried to borrow one from Squidward, but he didn't have one. And then when he yelled at me, he swallowed a bug. (laughs)
Swallowed a bug.<br>
Plankton: Fascinating. Well, got to go. (takes patty and runs)<br>
'''Hockey Player:''' There's the puck. That little square guy has it.
SpongeBob: Hey!<br>
'''Teammate:''' Get him. (SpongeBob tries to scurry but the hockey team tackles him. The other hockey player slapsticks the patty)
Plankton: Better luck next time, SpongeBob.<br>
'''SpongeBob:''' Yikes! Whoa-oh-oh-oh! You're mine now, Plankton! (patty flies into his face) You won't get away with this, Plankton.
Hockey Player #2: There's the puck, eh? Get it.<br>
'''Plankton:''' Hey, SpongeBob, long time no see. What've you been up to? How was your weekend?
Plankton: Uh-oh. (runs) Whoa! (Squidward skates by and dances in a yellow leotard. SpongeBob skates by him, he gets angry.  
'''SpongeBob:''' Oh, my weekend was fabulous. Thank you for asking. Patrick and I went jellyfishing but I lost my net. Ha, so, I tried to borrow one from Squidward, but he didn't have one. And then when he yelled at me, he swallowed a bug. (laughs) Swallowed a bug.
The hockey team skates by him and runs him over)<br>
SpongeBob: Hold it right there, Mister. (two hockey players run into SpongeBob. Plankton tries running away again but gets
'''Plankton:''' Fascinating. Well, I gotta go. (takes patty and runs)
hit by a hockey stick again. SpongeBob tries to get the patty but is getting hit by the hockey team over and over.
Squidward is getting run over by everyone. Plankton gets hit towards the door)<br>
Plankton: Yes, I'm going to make it. (lands in front of the door but when the hockey team and SpongeBob collide with each
'''SpongeBob:''' Hey!
other, it sends Plankton and the patty into the air then back down)<br>
SpongeBob: Got you, Plankton.<br>
'''Plankton:''' Better luck next time, SpongeBob.
Plankton: On the contrary. It is I who has you. (rides a zamboni)<br>
'''Hockey Player #2:''' There's the puck, eh? Get it.
SpongeBob: (gasps) The clamboni! (the clamboni runs into him, carrying him along)<br>
'''Plankton:''' Uh-oh. (runs again, this time, going to the other side) Whoa! Whoa! Ah! (Squidward skates by and dances in a yellow leotard. SpongeBob skates by him and gets angry. The hockey team skates by him and runs him over) Ow.
Plankton: (laughing maniacally) Run, you fools. Run! (Plankton manages to take along the entire hockey team, SpongeBob,
'''SpongeBob:''' Hold it right there, Mister. (two hockey players run into SpongeBob. Plankton tries running away again but gets hit by a hockey stick again. SpongeBob tries to get the patty but is getting hit by the hockey team over and over. Squidward is getting run over by everyone. Plankton gets hit towards the door) Huh?
Squidward, and Patrick on the clamboni) It's working. I'm actually going to get a Krabby Patty. (clamobni stops because of  
'''Plankton:''' Phew. Yes, I'm gonna make it. (lands in front of the door but when the hockey team and SpongeBob collide with each other, it sends Plankton and the patty into the air then back down)
a huge pile up at the door) Come on, get out of the way! You're blocking the exit. (clamboni shuts down) No! No! (sobs)<br>
Mr. Krabs: I'll take that. (grabs patty) Brilliany idea to block the exit with your body, Spongebob.<br>
'''SpongeBob:''' Gotcha, Plankton.
SpongeBob: Um, thank you, Mr. Krabs.<br>
'''Plankton:''' On the contrary. It is ''I'' who has you. (rides the zamboni)
Mr. Krabs: (jumps off the clamboni) You lose again, Plankton.<br>
'''SpongeBob:''' (gasps) The zamboni (pronounces it "clam-boni")! Run for it! (the zamboni runs into him, carrying him along)
Plankton: I'm not giving up yet, Krabs. I've still got my secret weapon. (jumps on the thermostat) The thermostat!<br>
'''Plankton:''' (laughing maniacally) Run, you fools. Run! (Plankton manages to take along the entire hockey team, SpongeBob, Squidward, and Patrick on the zamboni) It's working. I'm actually going to get a Krabby Patty. (zamboni stops because of a huge pile up at the door)  
Mr. Krabs: The thermostat.<br>
'''Crowd:''' Ah, ah!
Plankton: That's right, Krabs. It was I who froze the Krusty Krab. (rips off the paper that says "62º") See?<br>
'''Plankton:''' Come on, get out of the way! You're blocking the exit. (zamboni shuts down) No! No! (cries)
Mr. Krabs: (gasps) You've gone too far this time, Plankton. You can pound me employees, (punches SpongeBob in the gut) try
'''Mr. Krabs:''' I'll take that. (grabs patty) Brilliant idea to block the exit with your body, SpongeBob.
to destroy me restaurant, but nobody messes with me thermostat. (boxing bell rings as Mr. Krabs hurries over to Plankton but
Plankton changes the thermostat to above boiling, making the ice melt. Mr. Krabs drops into the water. Then Plankton turns
it back to below freezing, which causes Mr. Krabs to freeze, too)<br>
Plankton: You see, Krabs, you can't defeat me. (turns the thermostat to hot and cold, making everyone freeze. Accidentally
'''SpongeBob:''' Um, thank you, Mr. Krabs.
lets go of the thermostat when it's hot and drops into some water. Mr. Krabs walks up to the thermostat and changes it to
freezing to freeze Plankton. Cut to later in the day where the ice rink has turned into a swimming pool for customers)<br>
SpongeBob: Here's your Krabby Patty and lemonade, Mr. Krabs.<br>
'''Mr. Krabs:''' (jumps off the zamboni) You lose again, Plankton.
Mr. Krabs: Thank you, lad. (sees Plankton in one of the ice cubes) Well, well, if it isn't Plankton. You know, I should
'''Plankton:''' I'm not giving up yet, Krabs. I've still got my secret weapon. (jumps on the thermostat) The thermostat!
thank you. With the ice rink and now the swimming pool gimmick, I'm making more money than I ever did with the old Krusty
Krab. Hey, you got any more good ideas? (takes a sip of his drink. Plankton screams)
'''Mr. Krabs:''' Thermostat?
'''Plankton:''' That's right, Krabs. It was I who froze the Krusty Krab. (rips off the paper that says "62º" to reveal the tempurate is really -15 degrees) See?
'''Mr. Krabs:''' (gasps) You've gone too far this time, Plankton. You can pound me employees, (punches SpongeBob in the gut) try to destroy me restaurant, but nobody messes with me thermostat. (boxing bell rings as Mr. Krabs hurries over to Plankton but Plankton changes the thermostat to above boiling, making the ice melt. Mr. Krabs drops into the water. Then Plankton turns it back to below freezing, which causes Mr. Krabs to freeze, too)
'''Plankton:''' See, Krabs, you can't defeat me. (turns the thermostat to hot and cold, making everyone freeze. Accidentally lets go of the thermostat when it's hot and drops into some water. Mr. Krabs walks up to the thermostat and changes it to freezing to freeze Plankton. Bubble-wipe to later in the day where the ice rink has turned into a swimming pool for customers)
'''SpongeBob:''' Here's your Krabby Patty and lemonade, Mr. Krabs.
'''Mr. Krabs:''' Thank you, lad. (sees Plankton in one of the ice cubes) Well, well, if it isn't Plankton. You know, I should thank you. What with the ice rink and now the swimming pool gimmick, I'm making more money than I ever did with the old Krusty Krab. Hey, you got any more good ideas? (takes a sip of his drink. Plankton screams)
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Latest revision as of 03:35, 11 April 2023

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Episode Article: Krabs a la Mode

[edit] Characters

[edit] Dialogue

(episode begins at the Krusty Krab)

French Narrator: It is a cold and windy day. Bikini Bottom is covered in goosebumps.

Squidward: Oh, it's freezing in here.

SpongeBob: Not if you get up and exercise! Hup, two. Hup, two. Yes, sir, my buns are nice and toasty. (turns around to show two Krabby Patties on his behind)

Squidward: I'm so glad I don't eat here. (he and SpongeBob shiver as a gusty wind blows through again)

Squidward: Oh, how cold does Krabs keep this place, anyway? (looks at the thermostat) 62 degrees? Oh, that cheapskate! I'm gonna set it to a toasty 63. (turns it to 63 degrees but an alarm goes off)

Mr. Krabs: Huh? (busts down his door; roaring in outrage) WHO TOUCHED ME THERMOSTAT?! (everyone, including SpongeBob, points at Squidward)

Squidward: (to SpongeBob) Oh, thanks a... (Mr. Krabs grabs him by the nose)

SpongeBob: You're welcome, Squidward.

Mr. Krabs: Squidward, you're always goin' on about your book club. Read this.

Squidward: (reads sign above thermostat) "Do Not Touch Thermostat. Ever!!" (Mr. Krabs puts the temperature back on 62 degrees)

Mr. Krabs: Heat costs money! There's two ways to get on me bad side, boys. I don't like kids playing in me yard, and nobody but me touches me thermostat.

Squidward: That's totally selfish!

SpongeBob: Yeah, your yard is really fun! There are kids playing on it right now.

Mr. Krabs: What? (kids are playing ball, playing tag, flying kites, and jumping rope in Mr. Krabs' front yard) Hey, you kids get off of my lawn. (Mr. Krabs runs out of the restaurant. Plankton is watching all of this through a straw as a periscope)

Plankton: That's right, run, Krabs. For I have found your Achilles heel. I'll freeze you out of business, and I'll do it with your precious thermostat! (laughs maniacally until an alarm goes off) What the...? Oh, no. Code red! Abandon ship! Abandon ship! Ah! (an old fish sucks Plankton through the straw and into his belly) No matter. In four to six hours, I will have my revenge. (laughs maniacally. Bubble-wipe to closing time)

Squidward: I'm gonna go recover from hypothermia.

SpongeBob: Hippo what-ia? What does that mean?

Mr. Krabs: It means he's a big fat cry baby.

Old Fish: (flushes the toilet and walks to the doors but can't get out) Locked in again.

Plankton: That crusty old barnacle might keep me from his secret formula, but I'd like to see him serve a Krabby Patty when I'm done with this place. (turns on sink faucet) Into every life, a little rain must fall, Krabs. It's just business. (opens up the freezer) Well, maybe it is personal. (turns down the thermostat) I'm touching your thermostat! I'm touching your thermostat! (cut to Mr. Krabs' house where he is sleeping)

Mr. Krabs: No, no! Someone... touching... thermostat. (bubble-wipe to next day with Squidward and SpongeBob walking to work)

Squidward: Oh, I meant to bring a sweater. It's colder than yesterday.

SpongeBob: That's why I wore mittens. (wearing a mitten on each eyelash) Mmm. Toasty.

Squidward: Huh? (the Krusty Krab is frozen)

Mr. Krabs: Morning, boys. Lock's a bit sticky this morning. (opens doors to see the whole place frozen) Is it cold in here or is it just me? Well, get to work. (goes into his office)

Squidward: What?

SpongeBob: Aye aye, Mr. Krabs. (slips and slides all over the place, including into Squidward) Whoa! Whoa! Pardon me. (Squidward slides into Mr. Krabs)

Mr. Krabs: All right, quit clowning around and get to work.

SpongeBob: Yes sir.

Squidward: As soon as you turn the heat up.

Mr. Krabs: The temperature stays at 62 degrees.

Squidward: There's icicles hanging from the ceiling!

Mr. Krabs: I don't care if Santee Claus and Jack Frost are having ice cream cones! Don't... touch... THE THERMOSTAT! (icicles from the ceiling break off and fall)

Plankton: (spying through his telescope) I knew you'd be too stubborn to turn the heat up. Let's see how long you keep those customers when you give them the cold shoulder. (customers are waiting for food but Squidward can't move with a tray of burgers in his hand or he will fall)

Old Fish: What's taking so long?

Mr. Krabs: Quit your lollygaggin' and get a move on. (Squidward slips and falls, tossing the patties off the plate)

Squidward: Order up.

Customers: Let's get out of here. Yeah, let's go.

Plankton: Yes, flee that frozen wasteland. Warmth and joy have left your lives. (his giant telescope looks at a fish walking by) Hey, buddy, you wanna eat the Chum Bucket? (fish runs off screaming) Fine! At least Krabs' place is deserted. Hey! The customers are coming back. (customers are walking into the Krusty Krab with warmer clothes on) I don't understand. What's bringing them back? (SpongeBob is skating on frozen patties) What the...?

Mr. Krabs: Just put those patties back when you're done.

SpongeBob: Can do, Mr. Krabs.

Squidward: I'm really glad I don't eat here.

SpongeBob: Order up!

Customer #2: Where's my food? (patty enters his mouth) Mmm. (patties enter everyone else's mouth)

Old Fish: I want my Krabby flabby!

SpongeBob: Coming right up, sir. Ow, ow! (patty enters old fish's mouth)

Old Fish: Delicious!

Customers: Yay!

Customer #3: Wow, that looks like fun. I'll have two Krabby Patties. But don't cook them.

Customer #4: I'll have two frozen Krabby Patties too.

SpongeBob: Yes sir.

Customer #5: I want patty skates.

Customer #6: I need two patties now.

Mr. Krabs: It's beautiful. I'm selling twice as many patties and I don't even have to cook 'em. This is the happiest and most effective day of me whole life.

Plankton: No! How is this possible? I freeze his place solid and he turns it into an ice rink. He's making more money than ever.

Karen: That's because, unlike you, he's a good business man.

Plankton: Well, if it isn't the wind beneath my wings.

Karen: I don't understand why you don't just steal a Krabby Patty in all that confusion.

Plankton: I'll be right back. (chuckles)

Karen: (sighs) I don't know why I encourage him. (inside the Krusty Krab, people are ice skating, playing hockey, and riding in a zamboni machine)

Mr. Krabs: This is fantastic. The local hockey team is payin' me to practice here.

SpongeBob: Coming through! (skates by Patrick, who has his tongue stuck to a pole) Hi, Patrick.

Patrick: (mumbles) Hi, SpongeBob. (Gary, dressed as a referee, blows his whistle and throws the patty in the air. It hits the ground buts slides towards the door)

Hockey Player: Where'd the puck go? (SpongeBob squints his eyes to see Plankton carrying the patty)

SpongeBob: Holy shrimp! Plankton! (yells)

Plankton: I did it. I've finally got a Krabby Patty. (SpongeBob puts his spatula down to block Plankton)

SpongeBob: Not quite, Plankton. You'll have to get past me, first.

Hockey Player: There's the puck. That little square guy has it.

Teammate: Get him. (SpongeBob tries to scurry but the hockey team tackles him. The other hockey player slapsticks the patty)

SpongeBob: Yikes! Whoa-oh-oh-oh! You're mine now, Plankton! (patty flies into his face) You won't get away with this, Plankton.

Plankton: Hey, SpongeBob, long time no see. What've you been up to? How was your weekend?

SpongeBob: Oh, my weekend was fabulous. Thank you for asking. Patrick and I went jellyfishing but I lost my net. Ha, so, I tried to borrow one from Squidward, but he didn't have one. And then when he yelled at me, he swallowed a bug. (laughs) Swallowed a bug.

Plankton: Fascinating. Well, I gotta go. (takes patty and runs)

SpongeBob: Hey!

Plankton: Better luck next time, SpongeBob.

Hockey Player #2: There's the puck, eh? Get it.

Plankton: Uh-oh. (runs again, this time, going to the other side) Whoa! Whoa! Ah! (Squidward skates by and dances in a yellow leotard. SpongeBob skates by him and gets angry. The hockey team skates by him and runs him over) Ow.

SpongeBob: Hold it right there, Mister. (two hockey players run into SpongeBob. Plankton tries running away again but gets hit by a hockey stick again. SpongeBob tries to get the patty but is getting hit by the hockey team over and over. Squidward is getting run over by everyone. Plankton gets hit towards the door) Huh?

Plankton: Phew. Yes, I'm gonna make it. (lands in front of the door but when the hockey team and SpongeBob collide with each other, it sends Plankton and the patty into the air then back down)

SpongeBob: Gotcha, Plankton.

Plankton: On the contrary. It is I who has you. (rides the zamboni)

SpongeBob: (gasps) The zamboni (pronounces it "clam-boni")! Run for it! (the zamboni runs into him, carrying him along)

Plankton: (laughing maniacally) Run, you fools. Run! (Plankton manages to take along the entire hockey team, SpongeBob, Squidward, and Patrick on the zamboni) It's working. I'm actually going to get a Krabby Patty. (zamboni stops because of a huge pile up at the door)

Crowd: Ah, ah!

Plankton: Come on, get out of the way! You're blocking the exit. (zamboni shuts down) No! No! (cries)

Mr. Krabs: I'll take that. (grabs patty) Brilliant idea to block the exit with your body, SpongeBob.

SpongeBob: Um, thank you, Mr. Krabs.

Mr. Krabs: (jumps off the zamboni) You lose again, Plankton.

Plankton: I'm not giving up yet, Krabs. I've still got my secret weapon. (jumps on the thermostat) The thermostat!

Mr. Krabs: Thermostat?

Plankton: That's right, Krabs. It was I who froze the Krusty Krab. (rips off the paper that says "62º" to reveal the tempurate is really -15 degrees) See?

Mr. Krabs: (gasps) You've gone too far this time, Plankton. You can pound me employees, (punches SpongeBob in the gut) try to destroy me restaurant, but nobody messes with me thermostat. (boxing bell rings as Mr. Krabs hurries over to Plankton but Plankton changes the thermostat to above boiling, making the ice melt. Mr. Krabs drops into the water. Then Plankton turns it back to below freezing, which causes Mr. Krabs to freeze, too)

Plankton: See, Krabs, you can't defeat me. (turns the thermostat to hot and cold, making everyone freeze. Accidentally lets go of the thermostat when it's hot and drops into some water. Mr. Krabs walks up to the thermostat and changes it to freezing to freeze Plankton. Bubble-wipe to later in the day where the ice rink has turned into a swimming pool for customers)

SpongeBob: Here's your Krabby Patty and lemonade, Mr. Krabs.

Mr. Krabs: Thank you, lad. (sees Plankton in one of the ice cubes) Well, well, if it isn't Plankton. You know, I should thank you. What with the ice rink and now the swimming pool gimmick, I'm making more money than I ever did with the old Krusty Krab. Hey, you got any more good ideas? (takes a sip of his drink. Plankton screams)

Transcripts Episodes
Season 1 Season 1
Season 2 Season 2
Season 3 Season 3
Season 4 Season 4
Season 5 Season 5
Season 6 Season 6
Season 7 Season 7
Season 8 Season 8
Season 9 Season 9
Season 10 Season 10
Season 11 Season 11
Season 12 Season 12
Season 13 Season 13
Season 14 Season 14
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