Episode Transcript: Goo Goo Gas

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Episode Article: Goo Goo Gas




(It is a normal day at the Krusty Krab. Or so everyone thinks. Plankton is disguised as a pepper shaker. He steals a Krabby Patty from a customer)

Plankton: Ha! (He runs out the Krusty Krab. However, Mr. Krabs picks him up from behind)

Mr. Krabs: Hold it right there, Plankton.

Plankton: Krabs!

Mr. Krabs: I'll take that. (Gets the Krabby Patty from him)

Plankton: How'd you know it was me?

Mr. Krabs: Next time, wear a disguise without your initial on it.

Plankton: Perhaps a pepper shaker was a bit obvious.

Mr. Krabs: SpongeBob! (SpongeBob runs onto the scene)

SpongeBob: Wooo-ooo! (Krabs puts Plankton in his mouth)

Announcer: (off-screen) 3, 2, 1...launch! (SpongeBob launches Plankton up in the air through his hat)

Plankton: AAHH!

(Cut to the park. Plankton is on a bench)

Sadie: Aww, look at you! You're so tiny and helpless!

Plankton: HEY! I resent that! Huh?

(Cuts back to show Sadie with her baby)

Sadie: Why, you're so tiny and helpless that I could take your formula and you couldn't do a thing about it! (Takes bottle away from baby. He starts to cry until he gets it back)

Plankton: Something about that woman reminds me of my mother. That's it! Finally, victory will be mine! I'll turn Eugene Krabs into a powerless...baby (Laughs devilishly).

(Cut to Mr. Krabs inside his restaurant)

Mr. Krabs: (A penny catches his eye) Ooh, a penny. (He sees a trail of pennies) A trail of pennies! (They lead him into a phone booth outside.) Plankton: (We see some green gas appear around Mr. Krabs) I've done it! Nothing can stop me now! My goo goo gas will transform Krabs into a tiny helpless infant! (He opens the phone booth, revealing Mr. Krabs as a baby. The key is right beside him) The key to the Krusty Krab. This is easier than I hoped. (Looks at Mr. Krabs) He's a little bigger than I imagined. (Mr. Krabs starts biting him) Ow! Ow! Ow! (releases him, but he can't reach for the doors)

SpongeBob: Hey, a baby! What are you doing out here alone, baby? I'll take charge of you until your mommy shows up! Oh, you're just too cute.

Plankton: Hello! If you're not making a total fool of yourself, I could use some help with this lock.

SpongeBob: Oh, sure thing, Plankton. Here you go, little one.

Plankton: Yes, my plan is working perfectly, now that I've turned Krabs into a helpless baby, the Krabby Patty secret formula will be mine! Hello.

SpongeBob: Police! Police!

(cut to the police taking Plankton away in handcuffs, but they're too big to hold him)

Plankton: Those will never hold me!

(scene cuts to the Krusty Krab)

SpongeBob: What's wrong, Mr. Baby Krabs? You thirsty? (gives him some milk and he stops crying) That's it, drink up! (the bottle slips out of his mouth and he continues to cry) Okay, maybe you're hungry? Do you want a nice soft Krabby Patty? (flicks it away and continues to cry) Not even a Krabby Patty helps. How about a stack of twenties?

Plankton: (comes in when Mr. Krabs is smelling the money): Hands in the air! (Both obey.)

SpongeBob: Plankton!

Plankton: That's right, SpongeBob, I'm back! And you won't stop me this time. (Sprays both, but Mr. Krabs turns into an adult, and SpongeBob turns into a baby) What? SpongeBob's a baby but Krabs is back to normal. (sprays again) It seems the second dose acts as an antidote! One squirt equals baby, two squirts equals adult! (sprays both of them once, and they come back to normal) Or is it three squirts for baby, and four squirts for adult? Barnacles, I've run out of gas!

Mr. Krabs: Ehem!

Plankton: Krabs! Nice diaper. (Mr. Krabs is about to throw him) Come on, come on! (throws him. cut to Plankton flying in the air) I've got it!

Mr. Krabs: (checking the mailbox) Better be something other than bills this time. (Plankton comes out) Plankton!

Plankton: Peek-a-boo!

Mr. Krabs: (running back in the Krusty Krab)

Mr. Krabs: I can't tolerate your stinky gas!

Old Customer: (farts)

Miss Shell: That makes two of us.

Old Customer: I don't do it on purpose!

Mr. Krabs: You'll never catch me, Plankton! Never! Ooh...another penny! Come to papa! Now were we?

Plankton: This! (sprays him)

Plankton: What's the matter, baby? Are you gonna cry? (Mr. Krabs is turned into a senior citizen) What the heck happened to you? This isn't baby gas! It's senior citizen spray!

Mr. Krabs: Ay? What was that, Sonny?

Plankton: Out of my way, Manuseulla! You're old and useless. (SpongeBob comes out of nowhere)

SpongeBob: Hold it right there! Old people are out greatest natural resource! I salute you, old citizenry!

Plankton: I'm getting old listening to this. Let's try this again! (sprays the gas on SpongeBob)

SpongeBob: I remember when a quarter used to cost a nickel.

Plankton: This baby gas is worthless! At least you're way too old to stop me from stealing a Krabby Patty!

SpongeBob: What was that, sonny?

Plankton: It'll take more time to explain than you have left.

SpongeBob: What?

Mr. Krabs: He's got the Krabby Patty! Get him!

SpongeBob: Can't you!

Mr. Krabs: You're right.

Plankton: Victory is mine! (shaken by the sound of walkers)

SpongeBob: Come back here, you little whippersnapper!

Mr. Krabs: You kids get off my lawn! I'll catch up with you, boy!

SpongeBob: I'll catch up with my knitting.

Mr. Krabs: (hatches an idea) That's it! Gotcha now, little nitwit!

Plankton: That was almost too easy. (is caught in a net) No! I demand you geezers release me!

Mr. Krabs: Right after the party. The pinata party.

Plankton: What?

Senior Citizens: That's for calling us old. I want candy!

(back at the Chum Bucket)

Plankton: (mumbling) 1 squirt= Baby, carry over the 2 plus the square root of SpongeBob. Of course! The final ingredient I'm lacking! It's so simple yet so evil! And I know just where to get it.

(cut to the Barg'n Mart)

Plankton: Excuse me, what isle did you get that from?

The Pink Fish: You mean the Kelp-O?

Plankton: No, not that! The ugly drippy smelly thing.

The Pink Fish: Are you talking about my baby, creep? (Chases Plankton with her cart. She ends up running over him)

Plankton: Baby powder? This could be just what I need! Hey buddy, is this made of real or artificial baby? (The Pink Fish runs over Plankton again)

Plankton: (Cut to Plankton back in his lab. He is writing something on a chalk board) That powdered baby did the trick! Now my baby gas can't possibly fail!

Karen:(sarcastically) Just like all your plans that "couldn't possibly fail?"

Plankton: What is it now, Karen?

Karen: I'm saying you should test your gas before you come running there all willy nilly!

Plankton: That's an excellent idea. And I know just the guinea pig! (grabs the pack and points it at Karen)

Karen: (gasps) Plankton, don't you dare! (sprays her and a calculator falls to the ground)

Plankton: Karen! Speak to me! (the calculator types in "HELLO") It worked!

(cut to the Krusty Krab, where old Mr. Krabs is drinking a soda)

Plankton: Everyone say your ABC's! (sprays two people, who start crying) Now when you turn into babies, you stay babies! (sprays more people) Hey, Krabs, catch! (He turns into a baby. SpongeBob comes out of the kitchen)

SpongeBob: What's wrong, little feller? (he is turned into a baby)

(cut to an ceiling scene of the Krusty Krab, where there is a chaos. Cut to the bathroom doors, with a baby next to it. Squidward enters, along with a gas bomb. The doors open and he turns into a baby. Patrick is also turned into a baby)

Plankton: My moment of triumph! (slips on drool) What the? Oh, gross! I command you to stop drooling on me!

Mr. Krabs: Goo!

Plankton: (Mr. Krabs grabs Plankton and starts shaking him) Put me down! Stop it! I'm an adult! (SpongeBob starts biting him. he releases him and he lands in Patrick's diaper. Mr. Krabs is then seen sucking the Krabby Patty secret formula) Huh? I don't believe it! Krabby Patty Formula! He's teething on it! Give it here, you big stupid baby! (Mr. Krabs bashes Plankton with the bottle) Ouch! I've got it! Just like taking candy from a baby! Get it, Krabs? I'm taking candy from you! (Baby SpongeBob starts playing with the gas) Hey! What are you doing? (the gas releases and it sprays Plankton] Uh-oh! [Plankton's inside a gray ameoba field] Ahem! Mama's little evil genius needs a diaper!

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