Episode Transcript: Stuck in the Wringer

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'''Customer''':(cash register falls on his foot) Oh my foot, oh my foot!(bumps into the table) Ow, oh my back!(bumps into the table) My face!
'''Customer''':(cash register falls on his foot) Oh my foot, oh my foot!(bumps into the table) Ow, oh my back!(bumps into the table) My face!
(At Weenie's Jr.)
(At Carnival)
'''SpongeBob''': I Don't Know. I Had Too Much Eye Pain
'''Patrick''': Oh, Come on. How many Times does the Carnival come to town. (they climbed in the spinning ride) Ready?
'''SpongeBob''': (Tries to steer, But it's Too Late. Patrick steers fast throwing SpongeBob out of the Ride)
'''Patrick''': Uh, SpongeBob.
'''SpongeBob''': Oh, Dear Neptune. Why?
'''Patrick''': (walking to an angry SpongeBob) Hey, Pal. Want Some of My Cotton Candy? They Gave it to me when I Won the Dart Tournament. I Got this too. Check it Out.
'''SpongeBob''': Yeah, That's Very Nice Patrick, But I Don't Want any Cotton Candy.
'''Patrick''': Well, Have Some. It'll Make You Feel Better.
'''SpongeBob''': (Getting Angry) I Said I Don't Want Any. (Angrily Knocks the Cotton Candy to the Ground)
'''Patrick''': You Ruined My Cotton Candy.
'''SpongeBob''': (Angrily screams at Patrick) GOOD! MAYBE YOU KNOW WHAT I FEEL ABOUT YOU RUINING MY LIFE!!!
'''Carnival Worker''':
'''Carnival Worker #2''': Working at the Carnival Sure Looks Perks.
'''SpongeBob''': I've Never Felt So Ashamed.
'''Patrick''': What do You Mean, You've Never Felt So Ashamed?
'''SpongeBob''': If it wasn't for Your Forever Glue, I Wouldn't be Stuck in this Thing!
'''Patrick''': I Was Only Trying to Help.
'''SpongeBob''': (Pissed Off) HELP?! I THINK YOU HELP QUITE ENOUGH TODAY!!!!
'''Patrick''': (Crying) Okay, If That's How You Feel. I Won't Help You Anymore! (Runs Away with Tears)

Revision as of 23:00, 25 January 2015

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Episode Article: Stuck in the Wringer


(SpongeBob is in his shower)

SpongeBob: Lalalalala getting clean. Lalalala, Oooooh... what a delightful day it is... NOOOOOOOOOO!

(Soap falls to the ground)

SpongeBob: Good thing I have a spare. I still have one more thing to clean.

SpongeBob's Brain: (squeaks)

SpongeBob: Oh, what would I do without you Wringer? I'd guess I'd be all wet. (laughs) And now I'm ready to go to work! (SpongeBob slips on Soap)

SpongeBob: Ooooh... you'd have to be careful, SquarePants! You always gotta be watching out. Watching out for... Things. Things like...(stops his feet above the soap) like that! Oh Yeah, I saw ya. Not gonna fool me this time soap. (The soap frowns and SpongeBob slips on Patrick's rubber ducky and his soap and lands in his Wringer and tries to get out.)

SpongeBob: (Uses his tongue and tries to twist the handle on the wringer but it breaks off) This is not going well. (Patrick comes in and looks for his Rubber Ducky.)

Patrick: Hey SpongeBob, have you seen my rubber ducky?

SpongeBob: Oh, is that it? (Points to the duck on the ground.)

Patrick: I found you. Ducky duck! (laughs) Quack, Quack, Quack!

SpongeBob: Uh Patrick?

Patrick: Huh?

SpongeBob: I'd hate to interrupt your reunion, but I'd kind of need your help over here.

Patrick: What do you need, SpongeBob?

SpongeBob: Well, I'm a little stuck if you know what I...

Patrick: Stuck? I can help with that. Ok. (Opens up 'skin' and takes Forever Glue Out) Hmm.... There it is. There you go, buddy. Now you're stuck forever.(Points to Forever Glue)

SpongeBob: Thanks, Patrick! Now I stuck for..... ev-ev-forever!? (The glue sticks on SpongeBob) Patrick I wanted to get unstuck, not more stuck! How will I get to work if I'm stuck here forever? (starts to bulge to get out of the Wringer) Must... get... out... of... Wringer! (screams)

Patrick: Hmmm... (pulls SpongeBob up into the air) There! Is that better?

SpongeBob: No, Patrick, it isn't. How am I gonna flip patties like this?

Patrick: OK! You know what? That's QUITTER talk! And are you gonna let this "Wringer" get between you and your passion? Those sweet tomatoes! Those crisp onions!? Those delicious potato buns!?

SpongeBob: No, Patrick. I'm not going to let this Wringer get between me and those Krabby Patties. Those crisp buns. Those seaweed sesame seeds! Those delicious onions! The best condiments and patties served with a smile that says HEY!!! I CAN!!! I'm ready!

Patrick: That's the spirit, buddy!

SpongeBob: (starts tumbling down the stairs) I'm okay, Patrick. My spirits are still high!

(At Krusty Krab)

SpongeBob: Hello, perfectly made Krabby Patty. Order up!

Squidward: It's about time!(Takes Krabby Patty, but notices SpongeBob) Hey, SpongeBob, love the outfit. Where did you get it? The hardware store???(laughs)Hardware jokes.

SpongeBob: (laughs)Hardware store No, from my bathroom.

Squidward: Well, I must say it really completes your imbecile look. Way to go, Buddy.

SpongeBob: Aw, thanks pal.(squirts mustard in Squid's eyes, And screams in pain and the eyes fall onto the Krabby Patty)Oh Squidward! Squidward!(jumps on him)Are you ok?

Squidward: Please just get away from me.

Customer: Aw, Excuse me, Can i get a refill in my soda please?

SpongeBob: OH A REFILL!! (Hits cash register)

Customer:(cash register falls on his foot) Oh my foot, oh my foot!(bumps into the table) Ow, oh my back!(bumps into the table) My face!

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