Fab and Fancy

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The Fab and Fancy title card

Fab and Fancy (stylized as Fab and Fancy!) was a show that was mostly watched by Squidward. It was run on the Bikini Bottom Public Access. Fab and Fancy has been cancelled and it is unknown if it will ever return. It was only shown in the episode Tentacle-Vision. It was replaced by The Guitar Lord.

[edit] Format

Little is known about the format, but it is known to have segments for fabulous and fancy things such as "the latest exotic pets" (depicted onscreen by slithering snails with exotic, decorative shells), collectible "jewel encrusted" mittens, and classy-looking doorbells with "classical chimes," among others. Episodes would start with the "Bikini Bottom Public Access Presents" card, followed by the show's title in purple on a yellow card with what appears to be a classy podium. Everything "sparkles." A saxophone-lead theme plays throughout the entire intro as the BBPA announcer intones "Bikini Bottom Public Access presents... Fab and Fancy. Your source for the latest exotic pets... Collectible jewel-encrusted mittens... And classical doorbell chimes..."

Below are the scenes in the intro depicting the known segments:

  • Snails with decorative shells are slithering. "Sparkling" stars that emerge from the right side of the screen wipe this out and reveal a "sparkly" red background. "EXOTiC PETS," in blue, slides in from the right and stops in the center, "sparkling" as well.
  • Jewel-encrusted mittens are shown in display cases. This is wiped out in the same manner as before, but this time the resulting background is green and "COLLECTiBLE JEWEL-ENCRUSTED MiTTENS," in red, slides in, also in the same manner as before.
  • A classy-looking doorbell is shown. A fish touches it and the doorbell rings with a classical chime. "CLASSiCAL DOORBELLS" zooms in from the center, "sparkling" all the while, and stops when it's at a comfortable distance.

[edit] Trivia

  • Along with House Fancy and Squidward Chat, this is Squidward's favorite TV series.
  • Fab and Fancy comes on before 3:00 AM.
  • It's unknown exactly how long Fab and Fancy ran for or what the length of each episode is.
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