Crustacean Crime Theater

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Crustacean Crime Theater is a TV show that only appeared in the episode Life of Crime. It's a show that likely shows reenactments of real crimes, or perhaps they are just made-up crimes for a story. The lone story shown had a thief crab steal a hermit crab's shell, only for the hermit crab to get the thief arrested. Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob, and Patrick were the only characters to be watching the show.

[edit] Transcript

(a crustacean is sleeping on the ocean floor wearing a traditional crab shell. A bigger crab shows up, laughing menacingly, and steals the little crab's shell. The little crab wakes up suddenly. The bigger crab runs away)

Little Crab: Stop! Thief! (some policemen show up)

Cop #1: Which way did he go?

Little Crab: (pointing to the direction the thief ran) He went that way! (the policemen run after the thief and catch him. Cut to a shot of jail bars going down with the crab thief behind them)

Thief: Curses! Foiled again!

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