Krusty McPatty

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Krusty McPatty

Krusty McPatty is a wax sculpture of a character in the PC version of Lights, Camera, Pants!.

[edit] Appearance

There is a wax sculpture of him at the Fry Cook Museum, and SpongeBob says that he is the best fry cook in the world, even though in earlier episodes, Jim (first Krusty Krab cook) was said to be the best fry cook.

[edit] Trivia/Goofs

  • He may be the inspiration for the Krusty Krab.
  • He may have worked at the Krusty Krab before also, or have been the boss.
  • It says he's the best fry cook in the world but Jim is shown to be the best fry cook in the tv series.
  • He may be a younger, less attractive version of Jim.
  • His name maybe a reference to Ronald McDonald, McDonald's mascot.
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