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I feel to be in SpongeBob fans.

Welcome to SpongePedia,


[edit] Vocabulary

This may not concern you, but remember correct vocabulary with words. Such as: Spell SpongeBob with a Capital S and a capital B for bob. Not spongebob, not SpongeBob, not spongeBob, but SpongeBob ! Please also use every character’s name with a capital—example: write [[SpongeBob SquarePants|SpongeBob]] and when you click "Save page" it will come out with a link like this: SpongeBob!

Enjoy SpongePedia and I hope you succeed in this site. Please, contact any of the Team on their talk pages if you have a problem :) --TtsTalk 08:40, 3 May 2011 (CEST)

[edit] Hello Everybody

Laaadieees and Gennntlllemen! Welcome to the SpongePedia and welcome to introduce myself;me:it's and HAVE FUN!

[edit] Special Party in SpongePedia

Ladies and Gentlemen,can i to get please... u doing a great job in SpongePedia! To staying on task,stay focus and pay attention. And i will let u guys to have a special party on this Thursday or Friday;i will pick the date on this month for u and i will let u guys know it's Thursday or Friday;and take care and i will watching u guys to stay on task. And peace i see on Thursday or Friday this month i got to pick first. GOOD LUCK! Okay, I got a date for U guys that will be on Friday;and I hope so and I will go to see The Smurfs in 3D at 5:00;okay, I will be back at 8:45 then, We have a party. TAKE CARE! and be have you doing? I will be watching U! GOOD LUCK! Oops, I'm sorry I forget to have a party;don't worry, We will have on Monday or Tuesday I hope I'm not busy and forget and I'm promise! I will be watching U! TAKE CARE! GOOD LUCK! GOOD JOB, and I forget the party again; I was busy at Facebook we're cancel it I forget again anyway; I'm sorry guys and girls we do it at 2012; GOOD LUCK! TAKE CARE. Wow, u boys and girls are doing great job in SpongePedia and guess what? I will tell a leader of SpongePedia to have a Party in January; I should be the leader of SpongePedia cause I tell u guys and girls about good stuff; and I will give u A plus 100 per cent and girls, u will love me cause I'm a DJ to spin a turn table hard and make a beat so hard; I got DJ Hero on Wii at Home and my DJ name is DJ E and I'm a rapper cause I'm writing rap songs to make it swag and style my rap name is Level E just watch me to DJs and raps u guys and girls in January; so, I will tell a leader of SpongePedia to have a Party; get a awesome songs like: LMFAO, The Black Eyed Peas, Usher, Timbaland, Pitbull, David Guetta, and more; GOOD JOB! 100 per cent A plus.

[edit] Friends?

Wanna be friends? -- $ponge-P@ppy! 22:19, 9 August 2011 (CEST)

Sure. -- 4:34, 20 August 2011

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