The Sponge Who Could Fly (Episode)

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File:The Sponge WHo Could Fly. Title Card.JPG
The Sponge Who Could Fly
Episode No.: 59
Airdate: 21.3.2003
Season: Season 3
Previous Episode: Missing Identity
Next Episode: SpongeBob Meets the Strangler

The Sponge Who Could Fly is an episode from Season 3






I Wish, I Could Fly
He's Flying
All You Need is Friends to Fly


A tape of a SpongeBob episode was found under a desk at Nickelodeon, and Patchy has it! Then he lost it, and Potty and Patchy go on a quest to find it that lasts a few minutes. They find it in a treasure chest buried above land. They put it in, only to see a tape of SpongeBob going through walk cycles. Outraged, Patchy throws away all his SpongeBob merchandise. Then a sign pops on the TV screen, saying "the REAL lost episode will play in 10...9...8...” Patchy replaces all his stuff and sits down to watch.He does it like rewinding a tape.

In the episode, SpongeBob is jellyfishing when he notices how awesome it must be to fly like a jellyfish. He goes home to invent a flying machine. After several failed attempts, Bob ties himself to a kite and Patrick pulls him on his bike. This succeeds, but everyone in town ridicules him. "But it's my dream!" shouts SpongeBob. "But what about our dreams!?" shout the townspeople. "I wanted to be a concert pianist," says one. "Until I noticed I don't have any fingers." SpongeBob's kite gives out, sending him into a truck of feathers. Cut to commercial. And we're back! SpongeBob is blow-drying his hair when he gets a phone-call. He picks up the phone (a phone in his bathroom?). He sticks the blow-drier in his pocket. The phone inquires for "Birdman." While SpongeBob argues, his pants inflate. "Sorry, I have to go; my head just hit the ceiling. ...GASP!" SpongeBob shows his flying pants to the world. The citizens are amazed, and SpongeBob is the hero. SpongeBob begins saving kittens, cleaning hard-to-reach spaces, and rescuing people in high places that couldn't be reached before his amazing pants. The public loves them. But SpongeBob wants to be free with the jellyfish, but everyone needs him to do hero-like stuff. SpongeBob tries to get to Jellyfish Fields, but Cannonball Jenkins shoots him down. His pants pop. SpongeBob lies on the ground unconscious. The fish walk over to him. "We need to have a proper burial." says one, and picks up the pants. "These were one good pair of pants." SpongeBob wakes up, notices he's in his underwear and not flying. He's crestfallen, and walks over to his jellyfish buddies. But to his surprise, the jellyfish get under his feet and take him soaring through the sky! Flying with his friends is what SpongeBob wanted in the first place. Break into a heartwarming song about flying and friendship.

Back at Patchy's house, he loved the episode and wants to play it again. He then loses the remote but then it is thrown through his window. But, Patchy does not know how to use the remote and in the process of finding out breaks the video tape, making the lost episode truly lost forever. The French Narrator then says as long as there are stars in the sky SpongeBob will live forever in our minds and hearts and then tells the viewer to get lost.


Episode Transcript: The Sponge Who Could Fly


  • Why would SpongeBob try to learn how to fly if they live under water?
  • How could SpongeBob not know how to fly when we saw him fly by inflating himself in, Wormy and by getting tied to a balloon in Rock Bottom?
  • When the clerk at the store SpongeBob is returning his kite to and shows him the newspaper, it shows SpongeBob in his beach outfit rather than his normal outfit.
  • When SpongeBob flies over to change the light bulb in the lighthouse, the boat is moving pretty fast into the big rocks and is about to hit it, but it took SpongeBob a few seconds to switch the light bulb and the boat would have definitely hit it by then, but it did not.


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