Episode Transcript: Uncredible Journey

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   [The episode begins at the Star Family house as the sun plays the violin.]
   Rube: Well hi, everybody! This your old pal Rube here! And boy, have I got a tale to tell you! [fade to inside the Star Family house] It's morning at the Star Family residential home and everyone is tucked in their beds laying their leathery heads. [we hear something crashing in the living room] That is everyone except... Ouchie the Sea Urchin and Pinkeye the Sea Bunny. [Ouchie and Pinkeye are laughing and chasing each other all the way upstairs] These two are natural born enemies. But today things are completely different. [Ouchie and Pinkeye go inside the upstairs bathroom] Today, they are going to visit their very best friend...; Tinkle! The upstairs toilet.
   Tinkle: [barks happily]
   Ouchie and Pinkeye: Yay! [hop inside of Tinkle's lid as they and Tinkle play together]
   Rube: And when those three get together, they have nothing but fun.
   Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye: Ta-da!
   [GrandPat enters the upstairs bathroom and sees Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye licking their tongues together.]
   GrandPat: Oh, Blue Fish. Gotta use the downstairs bathroom. [runs out and holding it in by running toward the downstairs] Ohhh... I gotta go. [accidentally steps on the doll as it says "Mama" and fall down the stairs all the way toward the downstairs bathroom and breaks the toilet causing it to flood all around the downstairs bathroom with water] I broke the toilet again!
   [Bubble translate to outside as the Star Family are in the car while Mr. Plumber arrives in his van.]
   Cecil: Hello, Mr. Plumber! Our toilet broke down from the downstairs bathroom.
   Bunny: We're taking GrandPat to the mail. So that he could use the bathroom.
   GrandPat: Hurry, son! My back teeth are floating!
   [Cecil drives his boatmobile backwards by doing a somersault as Mr. Plumber enters the Star Family house and starts fixing up the place with his plumbing tools.]
   Rube: Mr. Plumber doesn't realize that the noise isn't coming from downstairs. He probably heard the noise that was coming from upstairs.
   Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye: [laughing and playing together as Tinkle juggles Ouchie and Pinkeye]
   Mr. Plumber: [comes all the way upstairs and toward the upstairs bathroom while being nervous]
   Ouchie: Arf arf!
   Pinkeye: Ahh. Ho ho. [then Mr. Plumber arrives shadowing Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye]
   Ouchie and Pinkeye: Ahh...!
   Mr. Plumber: [whimpers]
   Ouchie and Pinkeye: [hide on top of Tinkle's top lid]
   Tinkle: [growls angrily at Mr. Plumber]
   Mr. Plumber: That toilet isn't just broken, it's dangerous. [holds out a muzzle and catches Tinkle taking him away outside and out of the Star Family house]
   Rube: Uh-oh. Looks like Mr. Plumber thinks that Tinkle is a broken Toilet. Mr. Plumber has been plumbing everything in the house took Tinkle away. [Mr. Plumber throws Tinkle into the van and closes the back van door. Soon the Star family who are inside the boatmobile as Mr. Plumber get back inside the van] Are you with me?
   Mr. Plumber: Toilet's all fixed! I'll send you the bill!
   Cecil: Thanks you're an expedition! [Mr. Plumber drives away in his van fast along with Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye trapped inside as the Star Family returns inside their house by going through the front door]
   Bunny: Patrick, dear, go upstairs and feed Tinkle. [closes the door, but upside-down] It's past his lunch time.
   Patrick: [laughs while carrying toilet papers upstairs and then begins to scream] Everybody come upstairs now!
   Cecil: What's the hold up?
   Bunny: Oh, no! What's wrong?
   Squidina: Patrick, what is it?
   [The Star Family gasp.]
   Patrick: He won't eat. He won't bark. He won't bite. Did he turn blue? Tinkle is--
   Squidina: Dainty?
   Bunny: Delightful?
   Cecil: Decalcified?
   Patrick: Dead!
   [The Star Family gasp again and pray. Bunny starts to cry very loudly and floods the house.]
   Bunny: [sobbing]
   Rube: Oh my. I wish I could tell them that Tinkle wasn't really dead. But I'm just the Narrator. I'm not suppose to get involved. Anyway, next scene.
   [Translate to the scene where we see the place called the City Dump as the van drives all the way down there.]
   Tinkle: [nervous bark]
   [Mr. Plumber takes Tinkle out of the van and throws him all the way up into the air and into the pile of broken toilets.]
   Rube: Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye had never heard of the Junkyard before. [Ouchie and Pinkeye get out of Tinkle's top side] But they knew they needed to get out of here pronto.
   [Suddenly, the earthquake started to shake as Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye got out of there. But the earthquake turns out to be a Junkyard Worm who opens his red eyes and wakes up.]
   Rube: Yikes! That Junkyard Worm don't look too very happy even when his nap is being disturbed.
   Junkyard Worm: [stock roaring]
   Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye: [screaming and running for their lives]
   Rube: And he knew that Tinkle and the two noisy friends needed to be taught a lesson.
   Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye: [dodge the Junkyard Worm's attack as they all keep on running but Junkyard Worm flips them and tries to eat them but Ouchie and Pinkeye uses Tinkle's top lid as a sled as they sled down the Junkyard Worm's backside they finally got away but they crashed toward the fence and fell down]
   Junkyard Worm: [stock roaring]
   Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye: [huddled together as they got scared as Junkyard Worm is about to jump on them and eat them alive but Tinkle jumped in and grabbed Junkyard Worm by the mouth]
   Pinkeye: [flushes Tinkle's handle giving Junkyard Worm a swirly]
   Ouchie: [jumps on Junkyard Worm by giving him the pain]
   Rube: They're giving the ol' Junkyard Worm a swirly.
   Junkyard Worm: [whimpers as his black hair is wet and messed up and he starts to cry and run away by wiggling breaking the fence]
   Rube: That is one wimpy worm.
   Ouchie and Pinkeye: Hooray!
   Tinkle: [barks happily]
   Rube: The sun is shining, Tinkle with follow the sign. The Uncredible Journey had begun!
   [The toilet papers come down as we cut to the scene with Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye bouncing happily on the sidewalk as Incidental 47 runs out of the way and sees them bouncing and jumping happily.]
   Tinkle: [whistles]
   Pinkeye: [stops and sees some place] Oooh...
   Ouchie: [accidentally pokes Pinkeye in the face, stops, and sees some place] Huh?
   Tinkle: [jumps on Ouchie and Pinkeye and sees some place]
   [We see the place called Trader Barg 'N's as Pinkeye sees carrots through the window, Ouchie sees weenies through the window, and Tinkle sees toilet papers through the window.]
   Rube: That junkyard rumble led to some rumblings in their tumblings.
   Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye: [wag their tails, look at each other, and slurp their tongues] Yeah! [run excitedly inside Trader Barg 'N's but the Goofy Manager kicks them out]
   Goofy Manager: Shoo! [drops them with his grappler] No toilets or vermin allowed! This is a food store! [goes back inside as Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye sigh sadly]
   Rube: Looks like our friends have come up with a plan to get inside the food store to get some fiddles. [Tinkle is in the trench coat with Pinkeye and Ouchie in the bottom as they steady walk toward the food table. The trench coat opens up as we see Pinkeye and Ouchie in their underwear]
   Ouchie and Pinkeye: Ahh..! [the trench coat closes with them inside]
   Tinkle: [grabs every single carrot, weenie, and toilet paper with its spatula and a scrubber for hands and puts them inside the shopping cart, picks them up, and puts it down toward the Goofy Manager at his register]
   Goofy Manager: That'll be 12 bucks even, good sir.
   Tinkle: Huh? [checks his pocket as he has any money but nothing] Awww... Ahhhh! [points to something while distracting Goofy Manager and carries away the carrots, weeniers, and toilet paper by stealing them]
   Goofy Manager: Halt! Thief! Stop the man in the trench coat! [Lazy Mary, Lonnie, and Dennis put on their police hats and surround Tinkle in the trench coat but Pinkeye throws the carrot at Dennis, Ouchie throws a weenie at Lonnie, and Tinkle squirts water at Lazy Mary and got outside and exit the Trader Barg 'N's safely]
   Rube: Phew! They made it. And now... supper time.
   [We cut to Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye as they sit down on the three step stairway as they eat every carrot, weenie, and toilet paper and get themselves fat.]
   Rube: So they enjoyed their hearty little meals, and rested for a spell.
   Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye: [burp loudly]
   [The toilet rolls come down as we translate to the scene where Tinkle in the trench coat is walking on the sidewalk.]
   Rube: The trio thought that as long as they stayed in disguise, no one will ever know that they were two animals and a toilet.
   Teen B6: Help! There's a baby in that building! [points to the baby who was really Sadie at the burning red building]
   Tinkle: [gasps as he runs toward the red burning building and two boatmobiles crash into each other by an explosion and Tinkle in the trench coat flies and rolls inside and puts out the fire by squirting water everywhere putting out the fire then he sees Baby Sadie who was about to fall then Tinkle picks up Baby Sadie with a spatula and scrubber for hands and gets out of the building safety with the fire still burning the building. The citizens cheer for Tinkle in the trench coat as he hands Baby Sadie to Shubie Peterson and flies off]
   Perch Perkins: This is Perch Perkins here for an important rescue. Tell me, when did you see that man in the trench coat did such a heroic thing?
   Shubie: I'd never get a chance to thank him. Or tell him... this isn't my baby.
   Baby Sadie: [babbling and drooling]
   [The bar of soap comes down as we translate to the scene which is the forest as we see a jellyfish and a seahorse as Ouchie is clearing away the path by chopping the leafs and vines down with a sword. Pinkeye is wearing an explorers' hat and backpack and hopping by following Ouchie. And Tinkle follows Ouchie and Pinkeye by hopping.]
   Rube: Our heroes are so very tired from saving babies, they keep on following the trail. But they soon realized... They might never find their way home.
   Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye: [crying and sobbing]
   Rube: [comes into the scene] Hiya, fellas! [Ouchie and Pinkeye hide behind Tinkle] I know I'm not supposed to get involved, but I can't take it anymore. I know you probably can't see it, but your house is right over there.
   Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye: Huh? Ohhh...! [hop all the way to the bushes where they pop up from the bushes from a screaming Gladys and they see the Star Family house and get out of the bushes and hop around very happily on the doorway]
   Rube: The three devoted friends hopped around happy. They were finally home.
   Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye: [sigh happily as they lay down but then somebody is carrying a blue toilet and they see him by confusion] Huh?
   Rube: But when they got back home, they haven't noticed.
   [Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye peek from behind the red wall of the television and see Sylvester and Old Man Walker put down a blue toilet who was really "Tinkle" by burying him. Bunny Star is sobbing and crying even louder.]
   Rube: Tinkle could never bare to see his very own eyes. It was a funeral... [Tinkle gasps] for him. [we see a tombstone that says "RIP Tinkle"]
   Dave: If you sprinkle when you tinkle, if your meaty be a sweaty.
   Patrick, Cecil, Bunny, Squidina, Slappy, and all Incidentals: [singing] All clean!
   Cecil: [comes up to the stand as Bunny continues sobbing and crying loudly] Dearly beloved, we gathered here to tell you a very sad moment. Very hearted and departed. Tinkle, was a member of our family. He loved to frolic and play...
   GrandPat: You know they're talking about a toilet!
   [The audience shush GrandPat. Then, Tinkle in the trench coat joins in the funeral by blending in with the people.]
   Cecil: If anyone wants to share the cherry meant memories about Tinkle, please come up.
   [Patrick, Bunny, and Squidina step up.]
   Squidina: Tinkle's seat is never cold.
   Patrick: He never got clogged!
   Bunny: [still sobbing] And he never splashed back! [crying] Oh, you're perfect!
   Morty: [steps up] When my dad has to go to the hospital, Tinkle wouldn't have payed money for months. He was the best toilet who was ever lived. [cries]
   [The audience cries and claps for Morty except for GrandPat.]
   GrandPat: He's still a toilet!
   [The audience shush GrandPat. Then the moaners start flushing away "Tinkle" even Slappy Laszlo and Tinkle in the trench coat started to cry with tear flowing right at GrandPat. GrandPat hands him a tissue as he blows his nose and continues crying and hugs Bunny. Squidina and Patrick join by hugging, crying, and sobbing. But the trench coat falls down revealing Pinkeye and Ouchie crying and sobbing too.]
   Squidina: [notices Ouchie, Pinkeye, and Tinkle] Tinkle? [Patrick, Squidina, and Bunny see Tinkle, Pinkeye, and Ouchie]
   Tinkle: Ah heh heh heh heh. [waves with his handle as he smiles]
   Squidina: [happily] Tinkle! Oh, [hugs Tinkle] I knew that blue toilet wasn't you I just know it!
   Bunny: [happily] Tinkle, my wittle commode! [hugs Tinkle]
   Tinkle: [licks Bunny with his tongue and Bunny laughs]
   Patrick: Tinkle? [smiles] What are you doing out here? You get back in your crate right now!
   Tinkle: [jumps on Patrick and licks him happily as Patrick laughs]
   Cecil: Attention moaners. It appears that Tinkle is alive and well. This funeral is officially cancelled. [knocks the tombstone down and washes his hands with soap and water]
   [All moaners moaned and walked away home sadly. And Slappy Laszlo throws his hat and angrily walks off.]
   Rube: [laughs] And so we come to the end of our uncredible journey! I hope ya'll had fun today I sure as heck did! And this funeral pie is amazing! My favourite! Strawberial! [Tinkle, Ouchie, and Pinkeye see the strawberial pie and jump on Rube, attacking him in the fighting cloud and fighting for the pie] Ow! Ow! Hey! Stop it! That's my pie!
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