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<div style="padding: 10px; background: #99FFFF; border: 1px solid #FFAA99; font-family: Comic Sans MS; font-size: 100%;">
[[Image:PDVD 1565.jpg|thumb|right|[[SpongeBob]], [[Patrick]] & The Patty Wagon near The [[Thug Tug]].]]
[[Image:Sponge_and_friends.jpg|thumb|right|From left to right: Clockwise from top left: [[Sandy Cheeks]], [[SpongeBob SquarePants]], [[Patrick Star]], [[Eugene H. Krabs]], [[Squidward Tentacles]], and [[Sheldon J. Plankton]].]]
[[Image:Weihnachthaus.jpg|thumb|right|[[Squidward's House]] on the Episode: [[Christmas Who? (Episode)]]]]
[[Image:Bubble.jpg|thumb|right|[[The Oldest Living Bubble|The World's Oldest Living Bubble]]]]
[[Image:PDVD 1565.jpg|thumb|right|[[SpongeBob SquarePants|SpongeBob]], [[Patrick Star|Patrick]] & [[Patty Wagon|The Patty Wagon]] near The [[Thug Tug]].]]
[[Image:Sponge_and_friends.jpg|thumb|right|From left to right: Clockwise from top left: [[Sandy Cheeks]], [[SpongeBob SquarePants]], [[Patrick Star]] (Favorite Character!), [[Eugene H. Krabs]], [[Squidward Tentacles]], and [[Sheldon J. Plankton]].]]
[[Image:Zwang.jpg|thumb|right|Characters in the ''[[Krusty Krab Playset]]'' on the Episode: [[Bummer Vacation (Episode)]].]]
[[Image:Zwang.jpg|thumb|right|Characters in the ''[[Krusty Krab Playset]]'' on the Episode: [[Bummer Vacation (Episode)]].]]
[[Image:AtlantisSquarePantisLogo.jpg|thumb|right|[[Atlantis SquarePantis]] Logo!!!!]]
[[Image:AtlantisSquarePantisLogo.jpg|thumb|right|[[Atlantis SquarePantis]] Logo!!!!]]
[[Image:InvisibleSpray.JPG|thumb|190px|right|The ''"[[Invisible Spray]]"'']]
[[Image:InvisibleSpray.JPG|thumb|190px|right|The ''"[[Invisible Spray]]"'']]
[[Image:Reicher Mann.jpg|thumb|right|[[Squilliam Fancyson]]]]
[[Image:Reicher Mann.jpg|thumb|right|Squilliam Fancyson]]
==[[Idiot Box (Episode)]] Transcript==
[[Image:PDVD 83341.jpg|299px]]
SpongeBob: See anything yet, Patrick?<br>
Patrick: I need my glasses. (puts 2 glasses of water on his eyes) Hmmm, it’s the mail truck!<br>
SpongeBob and Patrick: Our package! (both start dancing & hopping)<br>
Squidward: I didn’t realize it was Happy Hopping Moron Day.<br>
MailMan: SpongeBob SquarePants?<br>
SpongeBob: That’s me! (throws a very big box next to SpongeBob & Patrick)<br>
Squidward: That’s a big box.<br>
SpongeBob: Thank you. (still dancing & hopping)<br>
Patrick: Hey SpongeBob, when do we stop hopping?<br>
SpongeBob: 30 more seconds, Patrick.<br>
Squidward: He probably ordered a lifetime supply of bubble soap. (SpongeBob & Patrick pull out a big/screen TV) Huh? A brand-
new television?<br>
SpongeBob: Easy…easy…(throw the TV onto a trash-can)<br>
Squidward: Just when I thought they couldn’t get any stupider. Let me get this straight, you two ordered a giant screen
television just so you could play in the box?<br>
SpongeBob: Pretty smart, huh?<br>
Patrick: I thought it wouldn’t work.<br>
Squidward: Uh-huh, that’s quite a plan there. Oh, but wait, there was something else I wanted to ask you two. What was it?
Oh, yeah, yeah. '''''DON’T YOU TWO HAVE ANY BRAINS?!'''''<br>
SpongeBob: Squidward, we don’t need television. Not as long as we have our… (makes a rainbow with his hands) …
Squidward: Wow, I never thought of it that way. That’s really something. Can I have your TV?<br>
SpongeBob: With… (makes a rainbow with his hands)  …imagination, I can be anything I want! A pirate! Arr! A football
player! Hutt!
Patrick: A starfish!<br>
Squidward: Patrick, you’re already a starfish.<br>
Patrick: See, Squidward? It works! You try!<br>
Squidward: Ok, let’s see. I’m imaging myself watching TV (points to the one on the trash-can) And there it is! Can I have
it, SpongeBob?<br>
SpongeBob: Sure, Squidward.<br>
Squidward: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! (Squidward pushes TV in his tiki)<br>
SpongeBob: Okay, Squidward, but if you change your mind, we’ll be in this box!<br>
Patrick: Let’s play Mountain Climbing Adventure!<br>
SpongeBob: Let’s go for it! Gloves!<br>
Patrick: Check.<br>
SpongeBob: Hats!<br>
Patrick: Check.<br>
SpongeBob: Underwear!<br>
Patrick: Uh… check!<br>
SpongeBob: Ok, Patrick climb up there and secure this rope.<br>
Patrick: You got it! (you can hear noises coming from the box)<br>
SpongeBob: Patrick! Patrick! Patrick, you’re going too high!<br>
Squidward: I hope they put some air holes in that box.<br>
SpongeBob: Take it easy, Patrick, you’ve got to acclimate!<br>
Patrick: I’ll be easy when I’m dead! I’m shaking hands with Neptune! Woo! Excelsior!<br>
Squidward: Now where’s that remote?<br>
Patrick: I am the lizard king! Woo!<br>
SpongeBob: Patrick? Patrick? Patrick! I think we should keep our voices down! We might start an avalanche!<br>
Patrick: What?<br>
SpongeBob: I said, I think we should keep our voices down in case of avalanches!<br>
Patrick: What should we keep down?<br>
Squidward: Morons.<br>
SpongeBob: Our voices!!<br>
Squidward: '''''WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?!''''' (Squidward kicks box causing an avalanche making SpongeBob & Patrick screaming
& falling) SpongeBob? (causes a second avalanche)<br>
Patrick: Hold me.<br>
SpongeBob: Hang in there buddy, the chopper is on the way!<br>
Patrick: SpongeBob! My legs are frozen solid! You’re going to have to cut them off with a saw!<br>
SpongeBob: No Patrick, I can’t do that!<br>
Patrick: Why not?<br>
SpongeBob: Because I already cut off my own arms!<br>
Patrick: No!!<br>
Squidward: What? How were you two making that noise?<br>
SpongeBob: (laughs) What noise, Squidward?<br>
Patrick: We could only hear the sound of our laughter.<br>
Squidward: Yes! But those sound effects: the avalanche, the, the, the…<br>
Patrick: Don’t forget the second avalanche.<br>
Squidward: Forget it. I don’t know why I’m wasting my time out here when I could be watching my brand new television.
(helicopter sounds)<br>
Man Inside Box: Attention climbers, please hold on! The saws are on the way! (Squidward opens box)<br>
Squidward: How are you two doing that?<br>
SpongeBob: First we establish a base camp at 15,000 feet…<br>
Squidward: The noises, how are you two making those noises?<br>
Patrick: That’s easy. All you need is a box.<br>
SpongeBob: And…(makes a rainbow with his hands)…imagination.<br>
Squidward: Are you trying to say that I have no imagination? I have more imagination…(tries to make a rainbow with his
hands but fails)…in one tentacle than you two have in your whole bodies.<br>
Patrick: That’s good. Now all you need is a box. (closes the box as Squidward walks back to his house)<br>
Squidward: I’ll show them! (looks for another box) There’s got to be one in here! (finds a small, round green box) This hat
box should do nicely. (pulls out a sombrero) Why haven’t I worn this yet? (gets in the box he is too big for and just sits
there staring at his watch. Kicks box after he gets mad)<br>
PoliceMan: Attention! We have you surrounded! Come out with your hands up!<br>
Squidward: What do they want with me? What did I do? I must have violated some new box kicking law! (walks out of house
with the green box) Look officers, everything’s ok. I won’t do it again!<br>
SpongeBob: You’ll never take me alive, coppers!<br>
Man: No, Johnny! Don’t do it! (Squidward kicks the green box so SpongeBob & Patrick take it into theirs)<br>
Patrick: Whoopee! Another box!<br>
Squidward: I got to try to relax. Perhaps I can drown out their childish games with a little TV. (turns on TV to see a box
conveyer belt channel)<br>
Host: It is here that the boxes reach their final stage of assembly. (changes channel to see a professor talk about a box
Physicist: The equation is illustrated here by this box. (changes channel to a soap opera)<br>
Man: I couldn’t afford a present this year, so I got you this box. (both hold up boxes)<br>
Woman: That’s what I got you!<br>
Squidward: Isn’t there anything on that isn’t about boxes? (changes channel)<br>
Host: And welcome back to Championship Boxing.<br>
Squidward: Heh-heh, I guess this is ok. I mean, it’s not really about boxes. (two cardboard boxes are going at each other)
I give up.<br>
Man: 3…2…1…blast off!<br>
Squidward: How are they doing that? That was the most realistic space launch I ever heard! There must be an explanation.
Think, Squidward, think! (imagines of a tape recorder they have and playing real effects)<br>
SpongeBob: Squidward's such a jerk. (both laugh)<br>
Squidward: Laugh at me, will they? (opens box) All right, where is it?<br>
Patrick: (comes out of Squidward’s green box) Here I am!<br>
SpongeBob: Where’s what, Squidward?<br>
Squidward: Don’t "Where’s what, Squidward?" me! Where’s the tape recorder?<br>
SpongeBob: We don’t have a tape recorder, Squidward!<br>
Squidward: Don’t "We don’t have a tape recorder, Squidward" me!<br>
SpongeBob: But we don’t!<br>
Patrick: We have a tape recorder box.<br>
Squidward: All right, make way you two, I’m coming in. (gets into box)<br>
SpongeBob: Welcome aboard, Squidward! You’ve just set sail on the S.S…(makes a rainbow with his hands) …Imagination. Where our only destination is fantastic adventure! Where do you want to go first?<br>
Squidward: Don’t mind me, I’m just here to observe.<br>
SpongeBob: Squidward, don’t you see? Waiting and watching? That’s not what the box is all about! It’s all about…(makes a
rainbow with his hands)…imagination.<br>
Squidward: All right, fine! Take me to Robot Pirate Island! I want to arm wrestle with cowboys on the moon! Just do it so I
can get back and watch TV!<br>
SpongeBob: Ok, Squidward! Robot Pirate Island it is! (SpongeBob and Patrick close their eyes and make pirate and robot
Squidward: Why won’t this thing turn on? All right, fine. If you don’t want to show me, I don’t care! I’ve got better
things to do than pace the floor wondering how you two work this thing. How do those two work that thing? There’s got to be
a secret button or a switch or something! I mean, listen to that! (hears noises from box) That sounds like Robot Pirate
Island! Think, Squidward, think! I got it! When those two go to bed, I’ll sneak in there and find that button. I’ll wait
all night if I have to!
Patrick: (both come out of box) I need sleep to refuel my imagination tanks!<br>
SpongeBob: I still can’t believe those pirates beat all those robots.<br>
Patrick: See you in the morning.<br>
SpongeBob: Good-night, Patrick. (Squidward sneaks out to get into the box)<br>
Squidward: (sees a piece of paper on the wall) Hello, what’s this? ("This plaque is to commemorate the brave pirates who
gave their lives to keep this box safe from the Robot Menace. Lest we forget…") (tears paper) I’ve got to find that button
quick! (looks around box) It’s got to be around here somewhere. I don’t see anything! It’s just an empty box! Maybe it
really was their imagination. Oh…get yourself together, Squidward! I mean, do I really believe that if I sit here and
pretend to drive a race car that I’m suddenly going to start hearing noises? (steps on the imaginary gas pedal and hears
the actual noise) What the…? (Squidward turns the imaginary key) It actually works! I can’t believe it! Oh boy! This beats
TV by a long shot! This is the most fun I’ve ever had!<br>
SpongeBob: Listen to that, Gary. Squidward finally made the box work after all. That is so great.<br>
Squidward: Vroom! Only two more laps to the finish line! (garbage truck dumps out the trash) I’m in the lead! Out of my
way! I’m almost there! Victory is mine! (box slides down a trash pile until it hits something sending Squidward into a
cherry pie)<br>
The next morning…
SpongeBob: Hey, our box is gone!<br>
Patrick: Oh well.<br>
SpongeBob: I know! Let’s go see Squidward!<br>
Patrick: I hope he’s not too down in the dumps today. (music is like a down noise)
==Plot of [[The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie]]==
==Plot of [[SpongeBob SquarePants Movie]]==
The film begins with a live action credit sequence, in which a group of pirates retrieve tickets to The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. The pirates then go into the movies and then the film then cuts to Bikini Bottom, where Mr. Krabs, the owner of popular fast food restaurant, the Krusty Krab, has a problem: a customer ordered a Krabby Patty with cheese, yet no cheese was put on the patty. Suddenly, SpongeBob SquarePants comes to the rescue. He has a brief chat with the customer, and with his briefcase full of gadgets, he takes out a pair of pliers and adds cheese, and the crisis is resolved. The whole scene reveals itself to be SpongeBob's dream.
The film begins with a live action credit sequence, in which a group of pirates retrieve tickets to The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. The pirates then go into the movies and then the film then cuts to Bikini Bottom, where Mr. Krabs, the owner of popular fast food restaurant, the Krusty Krab, has a problem: a customer ordered a Krabby Patty with cheese, yet no cheese was put on the patty. Suddenly, SpongeBob SquarePants comes to the rescue. He has a brief chat with the customer, and with his briefcase full of gadgets, he takes out a pair of pliers and adds cheese, and the crisis is resolved. The whole scene reveals itself to be SpongeBob's dream.
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*"SpongeBob SquarePants Theme Song (Movie Version)"
*"SpongeBob SquarePants Theme Song (Movie Version)"
=='''''Second Film (TV Movie)!: [[Atlantis SquarePantis (Episode)]]'''''==
=='''''Plot of [[Band Geeks (Episode)]]'''''==
{| border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" align="right" style="margin-left:1em; background:#f0f0f0;width:299px;"
[[Image:Band Geeks.jpg|300px|Band Geeks]]
!colspan="2" |<center>[[Image:Atlantis SquarePantis (DVD).jpg|px 220]]</center>
'''''Day One''''' <br>
! colspan="2" | Atlantis SquarePantis
Squidward is practicing his clarinet peacefully, and a doctor comes in, thinking Squidward has a sick animal. Squidward slams the door, but receives a call. He picks up the telephone, and it's Squilliam Fancyson from band class! He claims to suppose to play at the "Bubble Bowl", but cannot make it, and asks Squidward and his "band" to perform. Squidward, determined to play well, tries to get a band. Various people read the advertisements.  
|- bgcolor="#ffffff"
| Episode No.: || 92/93
At 8:35, Squidward is driving over to the band rehearsal building, angry that the music rental clerk made him late. He comes in and plays six notes on his clarinet. The brass and woodwind repeat, however, the percussion section blow on their drumsticks and they hit Squidward.
|- bgcolor="#ffffff"
| Airdate: || 12.11.2007
'''''Day Two''''' <br>
|- bgcolor="#ffffff"
Squidward's band is out marching on day two. Squidward orders the band almost perfectly, until he instructs the flag twirlers to "spin those flags". They spin the flags so quickly that they fly up like propellers into a blimp, causing their death. One of the trumpeters played "Taps", the rest of the band put their hands on their hearts, and Squidward curls up on the ground.
| Season: || Season 5
|- bgcolor="#ffffff"
'''''Day Three'''''<br>
| Previous Episode: || [[Le Big Switch]]
Squidward asks to see Plankton's harmonica solo, but it doesn't work very well because Plankton is extremely tired half way!
|- bgcolor="#ffffff"
| Next Episode: || [[Picture Day]]
'''''Day Four''''' <br>
|- bgcolor="#ffffff"
Squidward instructs the band to play as loudly as they can, but the great force of the sound waves blow Squidward's physical features back. He then instructs them to play softly, but a huge fight breaks out. Eventually, band class is over. Squidward appears at the doors as the players leave, telling them not to come to the Bubble Bowl. SpongeBob, horrified at how the band members crushed Squidward's dream, takes over conducting the band.
| Starring ||
*[[Tom Kenny]]
'''''Concert''''' <br>
*[[Bill Fagerbakke]]
Squidward finds Squilliam Fancyson at the concert, which is in the [[Bubble Bowl]] in the center of a human football oval, who apparently only came to see Squidward fail, like always. However, the band plays [[Sweet Victory]] with lead singer SpongeBob ([[David Glen Eisley]]) and turns out to be a great success! Squilliam suffers a heart attack and is carried away. Squidward is shown jumping up in happiness, and the screen fades to end the episode.
*[[David Bowie]]
*[[Rodger Bumpass]]
*[[Doug Lawrence]]
*[[Carolyn Lawrence]]
[[Sweet Victory]]
*[[Clancy Brown ]]  
=='''''Plot of [[Atlantis SquarePantis (Episode)]]'''''==
[[Image:Bubble.jpg|thumb|right|[[The Oldest Living Bubble|The World's Oldest Living Bubble]]]]
SpongeBob and Patrick are in [[Jellyfish Fields]] blowing bubbles. Patrick tries to take pictures of the bubbles, but cannot as the camera is too slow. Patrick blames the camera and stomps on it, but SpongeBob says it is not the camera's fault, then accidentally blows a bubble and gets them both stuck inside it. SpongeBob and Patrick start screaming for help, unaware that the bubble has carried them into a cave, miles from Bikini Bottom. The bubble bursts on what appears to be half of the [[Atlantean Amulet]]. SpongeBob notices the letters "ANTIS" on the side. Patrick concludes that the amulet probably belonged to SpongeBob's ancestors, thinking their last name may have been "SquarePantis." They travel to the museum to find out what it is.  
SpongeBob and Patrick are in [[Jellyfish Fields]] blowing bubbles. Patrick tries to take pictures of the bubbles, but cannot as the camera is too slow. Patrick blames the camera and stomps on it, but SpongeBob says it is not the camera's fault, then accidentally blows a bubble and gets them both stuck inside it. SpongeBob and Patrick start screaming for help, unaware that the bubble has carried them into a cave, miles from Bikini Bottom. The bubble bursts on what appears to be half of the [[Atlantean Amulet]]. SpongeBob notices the letters "ANTIS" on the side. Patrick concludes that the amulet probably belonged to SpongeBob's ancestors, thinking their last name may have been "SquarePantis." They travel to the museum to find out what it is.  
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*[[Goodbye Atlantis]]
*[[Goodbye Atlantis]]
==Third Film (TV Movie): [[Who Bob What Pants? (Episode)]]'''''==
{| border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" align="right" style="margin-left:1em; background:#f0f0f0;width:299px;"
!colspan="2" |<center>http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg82/beatlesnicole/Who-Bob-What-Pants-resized.jpg
! colspan="2" | Who Bob What Pants?
|- bgcolor="#ffffff"
| Episode No.: || 110/111
|- bgcolor="#ffffff"
| Airdate: || 13.10.2008
|- bgcolor="#ffffff"
| Season: || Season 6
|- bgcolor="#ffffff"
| Previous Episode: || [[Grooming Gary]]
|- bgcolor="#ffffff"
| Next Episode: || [[Krusty Krushers]]
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SpongeBob wakes up and waves to the mailman. The mailman then crashes into a truck. SpongeBob hugs Gary and his shell explodes. He is beaten up by Gary and crashes into Patrick which ruins his mother's birthday cake. Then Patrick tells him "Idiotboy!" He then goes to Squidward's house and Squidward gets mad at him and yells "Idiotboy!". He goes to Sandy's Treedome, trips over a log and splashes the water in his fish bowl, which destroys the robot Sandy makes. She also then gets mad and yells "Idiotboy!". SpongeBob goes to the Krusty Krab, crashes into pots and pans, slips over water, which disturbs Mr. Krabs's moneydating. He goes to see what the racket is and lands in the french fry oil which burns the money he was dating. He gets mad at SpongeBob and says "IDIOTBOY!" He then thinks that he really is an idiotboy and sobs all the way home. Then he starts packing up his stuff and says goodbye. He passes the population sign and changes the number from 538 to 537. While on his way, he takes a nasty fall and bumps his head, causing him to developed amnesia. He wakes up in New Kelp City (a spoof of New York City), where bubble-blowing has been outlawed by a bunch of thugs. SpongeBob uses his bubble-blowing skills to run the thugs out of the city, and he is elected mayor for his actions. After a long period of not seeing him, Sandy, Patrick, Squidward, and Mr. Krabs go find him. When they found him, SpongeBob forgets about them thanks to the amnesia. Neither he can go home with his buddies nor stay in New Kelp City, where he is a hero to the citizens. Sandy hatches a plan. SpongeBob has amnesia, so if they bump him again, he goes back to normal. But now all the New Kelp City citizens have amnesia.
=='''''Plot of [[Sing a Song of Patrick]]'''''==
The Episode starts with Patrick, reading a comic book, then after reading it he ate it. [[Image:Patrick als Kind.jpg|thumb|right|Patrick as a child, reading his poem]]
SpongeBob then comes, carrying tones of comic books. Patrick then burps one of the pages of the comic book he was reading. He asked SpongeBob to read it for him. The note tells the comic book readers, they'll make their poem into a hit song on the radio, just send in $100. Patrick does not have $100, and then suddenly SpongeBob's wallet fell out. Inside SpongeBob's wallet is a hundred dollars. Patrick took his money and SpongeBob could not pay for the comic books.
SpongeBob and Patrick were inside SpongeBob's house. Patrick tells SpongeBob to do not disturb him while he is working on his poem and then he left. SpongeBob then heard someone is on the door. Patrick opened the door with SpongeBob behind it. Patrick needs a place and things he need for his poem. Patrick unfortunately could not make a poem. Patrick needed to use his brain. Patrick used his brain to think, and he made a poem, and stink up the whole room and a smell so strong, Squidward can smell it from his house. Patrick then mailed his poem.
The next day at Bigshot Records, the band received his poem, and it smells so bad. The band played until it killed them. The fish gave Patrick’s song to Patrick. They listen to the song, titled "I Wrote This" and they loved it. SpongeBob and Patrick decided to put it on the radio. They tried to give the song to them but they refuse to air it on the radio. SpongeBob and Patrick think of other ways to get Patrick song on the radio. They decided to climb up the radio antenia and put the record on top of it. They then played the record and everyone heard it and Bikini Bottom gone crazy. The citizens started a riot and went straight to the radio tower. The angry mob asked who was responsible for the horrible song on the radio. The angry mob then chased SpongeBob and Patrick and stopped when they played a new song called "ughhhh". The angry mob then quotes: At least it got the song out of our head. Patrick remembered his song then played it again. Patrick’s coach then appeared and quotes: Looks like you need another lesson. They then threw dodge balls at SpongeBob and Patrick.
'''''Songs in Episode:'''''
*[[I Wrote This]]
*[[A Poem (Song)]]
==Third [[The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie]]: [[Who Bob What Pants? (Episode)]]'''''==
SpongeBob loses his memory and leaves Bikini Bottom. After all of this, he ends up as the mayor of Kelp City. Sandy, Squidward, Patrick and Mr. Krabs find him, but it is hard for him to choose whether to go back to Bikini Bottom with "strangers" or stay in Kelp City where he is a hero to the citizens.
==Plot of [[Driven to Tears (Episode)]]==    [[Image:Patricks fuehrerschein.jpg|thumb|right|Patricks Drivers License]]
[[SpongeBob]] and [[Patrick]] are going to [[Mrs. Puff]]'s Boating School. SpongeBob is once again going to take his driving test, but, despite encouragement from Patrick, he fails miserably. Then Patrick decides to take the driving test, believing that Mrs. Puff was actually manipulating SpongeBob’s tests. He comes up to SpongeBob and says that he passed and got a driver's license. SpongeBob gets disappointed, and gets super mad when people start treating Patrick like a celebrity. He even gets his own hot rod, something which makes SpongeBob envious. SpongeBob gets angrier because Patrick's, boat's engine keeps him up at night, Patrick has to drive SpongeBob to work, and Patrick is talking all the time about driving. Mr. Krabs sets up a drive-thru window for Patrick, and even SpongeBob's own parents are talking more about Patrick than himself. However, when Patrick starts breaking some traffic laws, SpongeBob finally bursts and rips up Patrick's license, the police chase Patrick and SpongeBob. Patrick has done some time in the slammer for not having his driver's license. However, SpongeBob begs to go in his place, and his request was granted. When he gets out of jail, SpongeBob and Patrick realize what Patrick's position did to their friendship, and make up. SpongeBob makes a plate for Patrick's car, but Patrick threw it out because the needle was on E, for end he thought (Patrick ran out of gas in his car).
==Plot of [[Club SpongeBob (Episode)]]==
[[Image:PDVD 83337.jpg|300px]]
Squidward appears from his house to take a ride on his bike to work. SpongeBob and Patrick are in a beanstalk tree house speaking in code about Squidward going to work and can be heard giggling. Squidward rides over to them, and begins to mock their secret language, but SpongeBob says that they cannot tell him about the secret language because he is not a member of the club. Squidward asks, What does it take to be a member, besides being a moron? SpongeBob tells Squidward that he could not even get into the club if he tried. Squidward says that he happens to be a member of over 20 different exclusive clubs all across the sea bottom. Patrick says that Squidward will definitely not fit in. Squidward says that they should be begging him to join the club and as such begins to climb the beanstalk. He gets inside the club only to find that the room is very small, and that is the type of fitting in SpongeBob and Patrick was referring to. He is then told that they have been stuck in the club for three days. SpongeBob and Patrick decide to initiate Squidward anyhow, and sing him the welcome song.
Squidward gets annoyed and tries to get out of the club by pulling on a beanstalk branch, causing the whole tree house to go flying into the air, landing in a kelp forest, presumably in the middle of nowhere. As it is flying through the air, a couple has seen the club house, the male fish says to the female make a wish honey as the tree house flies overhead.
The boys emerge from the tree house. Patrick and SpongeBob are excited because of the ride, but Squidward is frantically pacing and screaming about the fact that he is not lost with SpongeBob and Patrick. He states, Why must every 11 minutes of my life be filled with misery? Why?
Squidward says that this is the end, but SpongeBob tries to reassure him by saying that they will be fine if they stick together and that they are fine because they have the magic conch shell. Patrick tells SpongeBob to ask it something, so he pulls the cord on the shell while asking if he will ever get married, to which the conch replies maybe someday.
Squidward thinks the idea is absurd, and that it is just a stupid toy. The boys are angered by Squidward’s comment, and SpongeBob asks the shell what they must do to be rescued. Nothing. is the reply, after which Patrick and SpongeBob proceed to sit down with blank looks on their faces literally, doing nothing. Squidward abandons them after mocking them again…He finds himself lost in the forest, until he sees a light at the end of the kelp tunnel. After running towards it, he ends up right where he began, which means that if he had been running in a straight line as was alluded to, that he would have had to run all the way around the world.
This leads to Squidward setting up a semi-camp, starting a fire and trying to grill a bug on a frying pan. Where he got the pan is not specified. He continues to mock the two of them for listening to the conch by saying as if the answers to all your problems will fall right out of the sky.
Cue a Picnic Supply Inc. plane falling out of the sky that must drop the load; containing a pre-assembled picnic table and umbrella, tent, and a very large supply of various foods.
Praise the magic conch! SpongeBob and Patrick cry as they immediately begin to dig into all the food. Suddenly Squidward has a serious five o’clock shadow and looks like he is starving to death, unlike SpongeBob and Patrick, who look completely normal. He begs them for food, but SpongeBob says that he should ask the Magic Conch what he should eat. The conch is apparently mad at Squidward for his prior remarks and tells him he cannot have anything to eat. After many tries, his head starts to morph, and grow red in anger.
Suddenly, a park ranger appears. He sees the boys’ conch and lets everyone know he is a club member. He asks the conch what they should do now, to which the reply is Nothing… The three of them flop down into the blank look once again; Squidward weakly joins them and says O hail the magic conch!
==Plot of [[The Camping Episode (Episode)]]==
[[Image:FSM1.jpg|thumb|right|[[Sea Bear]]s are REAL?! Oh No!!]]
The episode starts at Squidward's house. Squidward looks at his [[Dance Quarterly]] Magazine calendar and mentions the fact that SpongeBob and Patrick are going camping (Which is 10 feet away from [[SpongeBob's House]]), and imagines how great it would be for them to "get lost and never come back." Afterwards, Squidward gets into bed and begins reading a book. He enjoys the idea of not having to deal with SpongeBob's annoying laugh, which he imitates. As if on cue, SpongeBob can be heard laughing outside. Squidward heads outside to see that SpongeBob and Patrick are camping, but only 10 feet from their houses. SpongeBob mentions how great he loves braving Mother Nature, while those "soft city people are sitting in bed reading books." After asking Squidward to join, Squidward immediately says no. SpongeBob then tells Squidward, "Have fun inside." Squidward becomes offended and claims that he is saying it to have him join them. Squidward disappears out of SpongeBob and Patrick's tent, in which SpongeBob says, "have fun inside" again. This finally prompts Squidward to join them, and gets all his camping gear out.
==''''' Pages I Started '''''==
After having a failed attempt to activate his Remote Control Self-Assembling Tent, Squidward simply puts out a blanket, then asks for food. SpongeBob and Patrick have marshmallows, before acting like astronauts. Squidward decides to go to his house, SpongeBob and Patrick have criticized him for, "not fitting in the camping spirit." Squidward changes his mind, and has marshmallows. After being pelted by molted marshmallows that Patrick accidentally blew too hard from his stick, Squidward asks what else you do for fun. SpongeBob suggests a song, which is soon followed by ''The Campfire Song Song.'' after it ends Squidward protests how terrible it was, and begins playing his clarinet.
#[[The Patty Wagon]]
SpongeBob shoots a marshmallow into Squidward's mouth with his [[Clarinet]], and then Squidward yells at them for doing so. SpongeBob mentions that you should not play the clarinet badly as it might attract a Sea Bear. Squidward denies that it exists, while SpongeBob and Patrick give proof by showing the magazines ''The Bikini Bottom Enquirer'', and ''Fake Science Monthly.'' Squidward claims that it stupid, in which SpongeBob tells, "He once knew this guy, who knew this guy," to which he says, "Who knew this guy," repeatedly until saying, "who knew this guy's cousin." Squidward immediately stops SpongeBob and asks for things that he should not do if he wants to keep the Sea Bears away. SpongeBob and Patrick tell Squidward multiple things, including avoiding playing the clarinet, avoid eating cubed cheese, wear a hoop skirt, and screech like a chimp. Squidward states how much can set a Sea Bear off, and says that he has the feeling that they are in danger. SpongeBob and Patrick ask why, in which Squidward very briefly departs and returns with everything that both characters said that he should not do. After doing everything that was able to set a Sea Bear off, SpongeBob and Patrick, make an [[Anti-Sea Bear Circle]] to keep the Sea Bears Away.
Once Squidward completely finished, he asks why the Sea Bear has not appeared. SpongeBob points out that the sombrero, which Squidward was wearing was not worn in a goofy fashion, which also sets a Sea Bear off. Squidward fixes it, but an unknown hand fixed it. When everything zooms out, the hand was a Sea Bear's hand. The Sea Bear lets out a roar, and then goes after Squidward. Squidward is immediately beaten up repeatedly, even while drawing an Anti-Sea Bear circle. After making an oval, instead of a circle, Squidward joins the other two in the circle, to which the Sea Bear finally departs for good. After Squidward praises SpongeBob and Patrick for saving his life, they cheer in success. It is short lived however, as SpongeBob points out that the circle would never stop a Sea Rhino. Squidward asks what attracts them, to which Patrick answers, "the sound of a Sea Bear attack." Immediately afterwards, the Sea Rhino is seen. SpongeBob states that he is glad that he, Patrick, and Squidward are wearing their Anti-Sea Rhino Undergarments. SpongeBob then asks Squidward to confirm that, to which he dully answers, "Yeah." the episode then ends.
==''''' Ideas For Episodes '''''==
*[[The Campfire Song Song]]
===''''' [[SpongeBob SquarePants]] II: [[DoodleBob]] Forever '''''===
[[DoodleBob]] (holding The [[Magic Pencil]]), his General DoodlePat, and his army of doodled [[Bikini Bottom]]ers walk to [[Bikini Bottom]], ready for a WAR. Back in [[Bikini Bottom]], the News flashes all about the unwelcome guest. Also [[Squidward]] owns the [[Krusty Krab]] and the [[Chum Bucket]] with an iron fist ([[Plankton]] and [[Mr. Krabs]] were taken by the Doodles). [[SpongeBob]] 500, Mr.Dr.Prof. [[Patrick]], New [[Gary]], Dr. [[Sandy Cheeks]], New [[Snellie]], Butterflyie (a.k.a. [[Wormy (Character)|Wormy]]), [[SpongeTron]] Z, [[Patron]], Mr. [[Squidward Tentacles]], and [[Spat]] must stop the villains before it is to late. They have a dramatic battle that last 1 and a ½ hrs. (the movie is 3 hrs). The  movie ends with [[DoodleBob]] falling off the end of a mountain (with The [[Magic Pencil]]), General DoodlePat and DoodleSuid running away for their lives, and the rest of the Doodles being captured. At the closing scene everybody left ([[SpongeBob]] 500, Mr.Dr.Prof. [[Patrick]], New [[Gary]], New [[Snellie]], Butterflyie (a.k.a. [[Wormy (Character)|Wormy]]), and [[Spat]]) going to get some grub at the [[Krusty Krab]] ([[SpongeBob]] 500 and Mr.Dr.Prof. [[Patrick]] are talking about the battle and also Mr. [[Squidward Tentacles]] gave the [[Krusty Krab]] to [[SpongeBob]] 500). The credits have all of [[Patrick]]'s songs in the background.
*[[Image:Atlantis SquarePantis (DVD).jpg|220px]]

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